We are home from our weekend getaway. Can you believe it I managed to go away for an entire long weekend, remember to take my camera but forgot to take any pictures. I can tell you we went to two hockey games, visited a museum, took in a Quilt Shop (didn't buy a thing) and went out for dinner several times.
I can highly recommend a fabulous Chinese Restaurant in Ottawa, called The Golden Palace. It doesn't look like much and decor is strictly "old fashioned Chinese restaurant" it is a little pricey but boy is the food terrific.
I have forgotten to blog a thank you to Shay over at
Quilting in my Pajamas. I won a giveaway, and it arrived a week of so ago and I have neglected to take a photo until today. It included some lovely fabrics and pretty buttons. Thanks again Shay.
I sent in my registration to
Quilt Ontario 2011, for London next year and I am so looking forward to that event. Hope I will see some of you there.