
Friday, February 27, 2009

Me and my Shadow

Not much new and Quilty this week so I thought I would share some photos of my daugther, Shadow.
Hubby and I adopted Shadow from the Orillia OSPCA shelter when she was a little over a year old. She is almost 6 now.  Apparently she was born at the shelter, adopted out and eventually returned. We never understood why because she is the most wonderful pet. She has been a fabulous loving girl who is the most affectionate girl we've ever loved. Her name was Shadow when we got her so we left it.

I am sure for most pet parents and humans ones too, each child has some things that they do that are special, only onto themselves and although you know you love them all equally, there is just that little one thing.
We have had several dogs but this is only one that likes to rest her head on everything. The other night she even has her head reading on the open dishwasher door.  Here are a few of the moments  I've captured....................

We love her so much..............

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sniffles and Progress on Eaton Embroidery Blocks

I have been down with a wicked cold this week. Which has left me lolling around the T.V room in my PJ's and stitching only when I have not been sleeping or blowing my nose.  You might remember that a little while back I told you about a quilt my kindred group is going to make to donate to a Charity Auction. We are using Old preprinted linens put out by Eaton's , likely in the 40's.

I have completed my two large blocks, except for the edging, and I am working on one small one that we will use for the label on the back of the quilt.
The small one (that will be the label)  I am edging in black stitch. However the large blocks will be laid on top of another plain piece of fabric and a satin stitch used to complete the edging. Then the remainder of the top linen block will be cut away. It is necessary because some of the blocks don't have enough for a seam allowance. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunbonnet Lady

I was thrilled to pick up my mail today because it contained a package. I ordered some "Red" Sunbonnet Sues from a lady who sell on Ebay. She makes them using fusible interfacing (Eleanor Burns method) so you can iron them on and then stitch them down either by hand or machine. I had  never ordered anything like this on line before however she had good feedback and the price was right. I am not sure what I was expecting but I must tell you they are fabulous. I can't imagine how I could possibly make them as well and in such a beautiful array of colours.
She also sells 30's repro tea pots, butterflies, Sue's, Sam's lots of other things to help you in your Quilting.

 I have a special project in mind which is why I wanted mine all in red. Stay Tuned. I can heardly wait to get started. She made mine special order all in red prints.

Anyway the Sunbonnet Lady can be found on Ebay.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Pass the Dessert Please

Last week my Mom and I went to a restaurant "FulFords" at Fleming College, a special treat to celebrate Valentines Day.

It is run entirely by the students in there Culinary Program. It is open for lunch a couple of days a week and  and one evening for dinner. It is truly a a fine dining experience at  very reasonable prices. you need to make a reservation, but I assure you it is out of this world. We had 
Carmelized Onion Soup,
Mango Ginger Salad
 Veal Saltimbocca
 (veal pounded thin with a lay of sage leaves and procuitto, served with Potatoes Dauphinoise, and snap pea, red pepper saute.
Roasted Fruit and Toasted Almonds
Raisin Cinnamon Apple Crisp served with Student made Vanilla Ice Cream
Almost, Looked too good to eat. I can tell you, they were both fabulous. 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

More Pictures of my Memory Quilt

As promised, I was home this weekend to visit Mom and took some more pictures with my new digital camera. I made this for my parents 50th.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The Perfect Handbag

Dear Quilters,

I really do need your help!!!

I have never make a handbag.

For more than the last five years now I have been collecting handbag patterns. I have saved them from magazines, purchased them from quilt and fabric shops, looked at them on blog tutorials, and admired those of my friends and fellow Quilters.

Alas I have not made one for myself (nor do I have any Quilted garments to wear but that is another Blog)
I have purchased much fabric appropriate for a handbag, even imported from foreign countries. I have purchased several different sets of lovely handles and no less than 2 sets of magnetic closers.

But nary a bag insight. I fear my problem, yes phobia, may lay in finding the perfect hand bag pattern. I don't want to spend several hours making a bag only to find that is not perfect.

I know, I know how can one be sure unless one caries and experiences a bag personally, before making that determination. It is so much easier to buy one from a shop use it for a week or two and then declare it , good and useful, pockets in the right places, right number of pockets. Right amount of large space, length of handle appropriate, right size and location of cell phone pocket. Is the bag to large to small and on and on and on. There are so many factors to consider.

Therefore my dear Quilting friends, I must confess I am locked in procrastination and indesion about which would be the best handbag to make.

I couple of year ago I went to a Quilt show. A a lady had exhibited two purses she had made, unfornately she did not indicate what pattern she used if any. There were many features I liked about the bag but mainly that fact there was a removable fabric compartment that could be washed. The compartment came complete with some pockets, and some large open space. I have attached a picture.

Please, Please, Dear Quilting Friends, help me get over my phobia so that I can make a bag. Please leave messages about your successful experiences in bag making, patterns and what you like about you bag.
I would sincerely appreciate your input.