
Saturday, February 14, 2009

More Pictures of my Memory Quilt

As promised, I was home this weekend to visit Mom and took some more pictures with my new digital camera. I made this for my parents 50th.


  1. This is the nicest memory quilt I've ever seen... I especially like the way you've done the pictures... that they all seem to have a similar tone (unlike some that are heavily cyan on one picture, rather purple on the next, etc.) and the whites are all white. Not easy to do! I'm visiting your blog because of your comments on Allison Aller's Cottage CQ post, the one about her brother Freddie. I was very touched by your comment and the brief story of your family home and the loss which happened there. Thank you for your insights. Robin A.

  2. I love this quilt, too!
    There is so much love here, and the design helps the love shine through as well.
    It is wonderful for bloggers to reach out to each other as you have to me...I thank you so much.
    And I am glad your mother stayed in her home, so you can enjoy the long life's view you get there, watching those beautiful sunsets together.
    xoxo Allie
