
Friday, February 27, 2009

Me and my Shadow

Not much new and Quilty this week so I thought I would share some photos of my daugther, Shadow.
Hubby and I adopted Shadow from the Orillia OSPCA shelter when she was a little over a year old. She is almost 6 now.  Apparently she was born at the shelter, adopted out and eventually returned. We never understood why because she is the most wonderful pet. She has been a fabulous loving girl who is the most affectionate girl we've ever loved. Her name was Shadow when we got her so we left it.

I am sure for most pet parents and humans ones too, each child has some things that they do that are special, only onto themselves and although you know you love them all equally, there is just that little one thing.
We have had several dogs but this is only one that likes to rest her head on everything. The other night she even has her head reading on the open dishwasher door.  Here are a few of the moments  I've captured....................

We love her so much..............


  1. Ok, you had me at Look, so cute and it's not everyone that is a dog person. They just don't know that puppies are into everthing and need loving and discipline.
    She looks like a big suck. Reminds me of a border collie type that I had and we called her Patches. She just appeared with my son one day and we kept her as no one claimed her.

  2. Sweet dog and just look at those eyes!

    You had a question about my design boards .... they are 1" thick pink styrofoam boards that are 8' high x 2' wide. The design wall that you see my hexagons on have been cut down so that they are 60" high. I used flanned backed vinyl tablecloths to pin my hexies onto.
    Some of the boards have been taped together in a way that I can fold my wall up and store flat under the futon if it is not needed. But I haven't seen that day yet!

  3. Hi Deb,
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the tips for quilt backings. I just love your dog. We have a 9 year old yellow lab named Annie and she does the same's so funny. She does it on the coffee table, your lap, your leg anywhere. They're too cute.
    Have a great day,

  4. Hi Deb! Yes, thank you, I am feeling all better now! Just in time for spring...what a winter eh?

  5. Thanks for visiting my blog Quiltgal! Your puppy is so very cute. That's so funny how she rests her head on everything. One of our dogs (Boston)lays down with his legs crossed! He does it on command now for treats... I'll have to get a picture of it for my blog.

    Have a great day!
