
Monday, February 16, 2009

Pass the Dessert Please

Last week my Mom and I went to a restaurant "FulFords" at Fleming College, a special treat to celebrate Valentines Day.

It is run entirely by the students in there Culinary Program. It is open for lunch a couple of days a week and  and one evening for dinner. It is truly a a fine dining experience at  very reasonable prices. you need to make a reservation, but I assure you it is out of this world. We had 
Carmelized Onion Soup,
Mango Ginger Salad
 Veal Saltimbocca
 (veal pounded thin with a lay of sage leaves and procuitto, served with Potatoes Dauphinoise, and snap pea, red pepper saute.
Roasted Fruit and Toasted Almonds
Raisin Cinnamon Apple Crisp served with Student made Vanilla Ice Cream
Almost, Looked too good to eat. I can tell you, they were both fabulous. 


  1. looks divine!! I'm drooling I would love to have that for a desert!

  2. Yum, they look too good to eat! glad you did though.

  3. Oh my goodness... that looks fantastic!

  4. Oh wow, this looks divine. Thanks for the comment you left on my blog--my first from a non-family member. Hope it warms up for you soon. Here it is still back and forth between spring and winter.
