
Friday, December 31, 2010

Giveaway Reminder ----------------

Reminder that I am drawing for a book "Crazy Patchwork" by Janet Haigh. I will include some embellishments for the lucky winner. This is an absolutely beautiful book on Crazy Quilting with some great projects but I have ordered another book and have a new rule one in, one out. I have a very small sewing room and hundreds or books so I need to pare down. Here are the rules.

To qualify you need to make a comment on my blog and also mention the giveaway on your blog.

My hubby, my trusty helper, will draw the winning entry on the Eve of December 31, and I will post the winner on New Years Day.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Great Christmas Day

We had a lovely Christmas Day, just the four of us. My Mom, my hubby, our furry girl "Shadow" and I.

We rose at 9:00am and I put out the Orange juice while Hubby walked the dog. Then we went over to Mom's and opened the presents. Then we had breakfast. Lovely Peameal Bacon from Franz Butcher shop, scrambled eggs, toasted English muffins and homemade rhubarb ginger preserves, all washed down with lots of coffee.

Hubby and I went home and I stuffed the turkey and put it in to roast. After a well earned rest we commenced again. Mom came over and we started preparing the evening meal. Roast turkey, stuffing, turnip, mashed potatoes, jellied salad, cranberries and wine, followed by Oranged cheesecake and tea.
It was a lovely dinner and a quiet restful day. Hubby's sister phoned in the evening and we had a nice chat, to top off our day.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Service At All Saints

Last night Mom and I went to church for the late service. It was truly beautiful. It was a candlelight service and there were lovely carols and Poinsetta's and Trees were lovely. It felt truly wonderful to be attending services on the eve of Christ's birth, fulfilling the true meaning of Christmas.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to Everyone

I am getting ready to head to Church and I have one last thing to show you. I made a set of placemats for Mom for Christmas.

Merry Christmas to Everyone

Monday, December 13, 2010

Reminder of the Giveaway.............................

A couple of days I ago I posted about a give away for a Crazy Quilting book and some embellishments.

Please go back and have a look.

Let it Snow, Let it Snow Let it Snow!!!!

It is certainly not because I am fond of snow but boy it sure is pretty, especially when it is so close to Christmas. These are some pictures taken from just outside our home.

We were suppose to go out today and visit sime friends but the driving is not that great so I think that we are going to just stay home. 

On the picture below I was trying out a program to modify the picture. I think I like it and it might be next years Christmas Card.

Everyone stay warm and dry on this wintery in Southern Ontario.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Last Giveaway of the Year

It is the time of year when we begin to wrap presents and I thought why not wrap one more and send it off to a fellow blogger .

I need to make some room in my sewing room so I am giving away this book "Crazy Patchwork" by Janet Haigh. Here is a photo of one of the projects included in the book. If you turn your head side ways you can see that is it an embroidered and silk ribbon pillow. The book is gorgeous and full of lovely projects for both hand and using some of your fancy stitches on the machine.

I promise to include some embellishments with the book to the lucky recipient.

To qualify you need to make a comment on my blog and also mention the giveaway on your blog.
My hubby my trusty help, will draw the winning entry on December 31, and I will post the winner on New Years Day.

Good luck to all! 

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Decorating and Giveaway

Getting ready for Christmas always seems like such a chore. I love the Christmas tree but hate putting it up. However once it is up and the room is decorated with the nativity scene, the nutcracker I always love it. Today we received a beautiful poinsetta that was sent to us by some dear friends and neighbours we lived next to before we moved.

Please stay tuned for upcoming Giveaway. Like Santa it won't be long now. 

Hubby and I have been attending the Wellness and Sport Centre, (I've been taking aquafit classes each morning). This week they had there annual Holiday Christmas Dinner for members. It was a lovely Turkey meal with over 117 in attendance.  It made Christmas feel like it is really here.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Shadow's Christmas Debut and Kiwiberry Quilt

Shadow, my darling furry girl was an excellent model for her Christmas picture.  She sat ever so still. Both her father and I are very pleased that we were able use her picture for our annual Christmas cards.

Yes, yes I know she is sooooo cute. I think she prefers not to wear her antlers though.

Over the last few weeks, it seems as though we have been so busy and I have so many projects started and in various states of not finished.

This is one of the quilts that is a little further along for me to show you. It is missing one more border, but here it is . The colours are a little washed out in this picture but trust me when I say this is a bright quilt. When I get the last border on I will take another picture in the daylight so you can really see the colours.  I should mention that the fabric is all Batik, using a Bali Pop (Kiwiberry). Using a book on strip tubing.