
Monday, December 13, 2010

Reminder of the Giveaway.............................

A couple of days I ago I posted about a give away for a Crazy Quilting book and some embellishments.

Please go back and have a look.


  1. Hi Debra ~ What a great giveaway!Thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower. I welcome you!
    What a great giveaway!

  2. We, in whitby, just a bit south of you missed all the big snow! My sweetie is awaiting the use of the new snowblower!
    It's winter and I wish I was in Mexico...on the Yucatan by the sea quilting and drinking margaritas...bah humbug to winter.
    But I love the photos of snow!

  3. Oh I love your new signature! I'm in for the win.....I hope!
    Merry Christmas
