
Friday, December 10, 2010

Shadow's Christmas Debut and Kiwiberry Quilt

Shadow, my darling furry girl was an excellent model for her Christmas picture.  She sat ever so still. Both her father and I are very pleased that we were able use her picture for our annual Christmas cards.

Yes, yes I know she is sooooo cute. I think she prefers not to wear her antlers though.

Over the last few weeks, it seems as though we have been so busy and I have so many projects started and in various states of not finished.

This is one of the quilts that is a little further along for me to show you. It is missing one more border, but here it is . The colours are a little washed out in this picture but trust me when I say this is a bright quilt. When I get the last border on I will take another picture in the daylight so you can really see the colours.  I should mention that the fabric is all Batik, using a Bali Pop (Kiwiberry). Using a book on strip tubing.


  1. Give Shadow a big hug from me and tell her she is adorable, antlers or no! Love your quilt, the colours are great.

  2. Cute picture for your card.

    I love the quilt. Is it all batiks?

  3. Love the Quilt! The colors are just beautiful.
    We have a fur girl named Shadow too. She's a Husky/Yellow Lab cross but she doesn't wear antlers ;)
