
Sunday, December 26, 2010

Great Christmas Day

We had a lovely Christmas Day, just the four of us. My Mom, my hubby, our furry girl "Shadow" and I.

We rose at 9:00am and I put out the Orange juice while Hubby walked the dog. Then we went over to Mom's and opened the presents. Then we had breakfast. Lovely Peameal Bacon from Franz Butcher shop, scrambled eggs, toasted English muffins and homemade rhubarb ginger preserves, all washed down with lots of coffee.

Hubby and I went home and I stuffed the turkey and put it in to roast. After a well earned rest we commenced again. Mom came over and we started preparing the evening meal. Roast turkey, stuffing, turnip, mashed potatoes, jellied salad, cranberries and wine, followed by Oranged cheesecake and tea.
It was a lovely dinner and a quiet restful day. Hubby's sister phoned in the evening and we had a nice chat, to top off our day.

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas too!


  1. Sounds like a very relaxed and wonderful Christmas!

    (Do you know that you do not have your profile set with an email address so I cannot answer you directly when you leave a comment on my blog? It's easy to change. Email and I can help you.)

  2. I dream of days like this. Ours was hectic. Daughter's for breakfast by 9:30 as we were eating at 3pm and didn't want tobe stuffed! Opening gifts with 10 people in a small room makes big messes, but breakfast was then served with stratas, blueberry for one and sausage for the other with fruits, coffee, muffins from a Bonni stern cookbook of 20 years ago.
    Our turkey dinner was at our neighbours with 15 in attendance.
    We played games till 11:30 pm...about 3 hours past what should have been bedtime for me.
    It's over...I'm loving the leftovers.
    It was all worth it too!
