
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Maiden Trip or Should I Say "Virgin" Trip to Intercourse

I am home from Intercourse and Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Don and our Bus
We left Peterborough at 7 am sharp. Hubby drove me over to catch the bus and we were there at 6am so I could get a good seat on the bus.  Even at that I was near the back. I met my roomie who a lovely lady also name Debra. The bus ride was full of fun, gifts, snacks and a movie.

We arrived at our motel at 8 pm after several stops for coffee, lunch, our first trip to Jo Ann's Fabric, later to a grocery store to pick up drinks and munchies for the week and finally for supper at a Bob Evans before heading to our motel. As you can imagine we were tired and still had to unpack and get ourselves ready for the next day. We stayed at the Travellers Rest Motel which I would highly recommend. They had a great continental breakfast and supplied small fridges and coffee makers in our rooms. We had great weather and spent time sitting outside the Motel in small groups stitching and showing each other our purchases.

Beautiful Country Landscape

Village Quilts
The Old Country Store
Two horses and buggies, one had a baby car seat in it.
We spent the next day in the town of Intercourse, where we shopped at Zooks, Bittykinna's, The Old Country Store and a few more I have forgotten.  I should tell you that I have severe Osteoarthritis in my hip and so I found the walking a little difficult but I soldiered on like true quilt store shopper. I was also blessed by 52 angels who accompanied me on the trip. My fellow travellers were always offering to help me, carry my bags, give up there seat or whatever else I needed. What a wonderful group of gals, and also our bus driver Don was a big help. That night was The Kling House for Dinner, terrific.

The next day was two more quilt shops, my  favourite was Burkeholders. Wow I sure did some damage there. That night we had dinner in an Amish Family home, a very lovely experience.

On Wednesday we attended the AQS Quilt Show, it was out of this world. I will let some of the pictures tell the story.

Yes this is a quilt, heavily thread painted

My favourite.
Shadow Happy to see me home

I can tell you my photos do not do the quilts justice. They were breathtaking. I have more pictures to post for you next time.

I will leave you with a picture of my baby Shadow  who was so excited to see me return home.


  1. I'm glad you had so much fun! A bus trip with a bunch of quilters can be an experience! I did it once for a weekend trip and went with my younger daughters mother in law. What fun, turned out someone on the bus knew one of my sisters and we all had a blast.

  2. What a wonderful trip! Thank you for the quilt show pics, seeing work of that standard is very inspirational.

  3. Sounds like a lovely trip. Thanks for sharing the show pictures, too.
