
Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Hop on a Bus.........Trip

I am getting excited now! For Christmas Hubby bought me a ticket on a bus trip to Intercourse and Lancaster Pennsylvania. This is a bus trip that is organized every year by the lady who is the head of Victoria Quilts (a Canadian organization which provides quilts to Cancer patients). I have never gone before and it sounds like so much fun. We leave on Sunday and get there Sunday evening.

We will leave Peterborough at the Coach Canada station at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday morning March 11th.
The following are included in the cost of the trip,

- 6 nights at the motel which includes breakfast
- bus transportation
- four dinners which include taxes and gratuities
- Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre which is showing “9 to 5”
- AQS quilt show admission
- Sightseeing tour
- 7 quilt stores which include Burkholders, Weavers, Sauders, Martins, Country Store, Zooks and Bitty Kinna’s
- two outlet malls ,Christmas Store and Kohl’s
The outlets are Rockvale and Tanger.

So as you can see I will need to take a half empty suitcase with me. 

I will be back next week with lots of photos of the show.............


  1. Oh you are going to have so much fun!! I have been to a couple of the shops you mention and they are great. I saw a the show you mention once done as a dinner theater and it was fun. You will love the quilt show too - as you can tell I am jealous - I went on a bus trip once with quilters but it was just a weekend - tiring but great.
    I will be waiting to see photos. Bring a collapsible suitcase or duffel bag inside your suitcase for all your purchases.

  2. Have a wonderful time and bring lots of money for fabrics.

  3. Anonymous10:12 AM

    You might need TWO suitcases! It sounds like a great trip, have fun!

  4. Oh wow.....lucky you! Have a wonderful time, and tell us all about it when you return.

  5. Hello Carol, You are going to have a great time at the Lancaster Quilt Show and all the shops that you mentioned. I have been on 5 quilt bus tours so far and have enjoyed them all. Our originate in Halifax, N.S. A great time with great group of quilters and everyone has the same interest. Fabric and more fabric and gadgets.

    Have a wonderful trip.


  6. Hello deb, Sorry called you Carol. reading to many blogs and was excited you are going on the bus trip

  7. I am jealous. Post lots of pics!

  8. That sounds like a wonderful trip. Have a great time. I know you will. How could you not. :)
