
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Severe Allergic Reaction

Well let me tell you I would not wish this situation on anyone, friend or foe!

On Tuesday morning after I got up, I noticed that my hands were a little itchy, no big deal I have eczema so I just put on some of my ointment and thought it would get better.  By the end of the day the itch had spread to my arms, really unusual I thought!

Tuesday evening hubby and I went to a "meet and greet" our new family doctor. You might remember we moved here over a year and half ago and finally found a local Doctor. We had been driving 2 hours back to our old Doctor.

We were very happy to now have a doctor and oh by the way this guy has "same day appointments. You call him first thing in the AM and get in that day. The only thing he books ahead are diabetes counselling and physicals. That night I was overwhelmed with the itch which had now spread to my legs, feet, and around the middle.

Next day I got up absolutely no sleep still itching and scratching. I called the new Doc and got in right away. We tried to figure out what it might be, in the end he gave me a a script for some hydro-cortisone ointment to try and sent me home, telling me to take some Benadryl.  By the next day I was covered in a rash and I was having a slight shortness of breath and the feeling that my ears and face were swelling. Overall I just felt lousy.

I went back again to Doc on Friday, now I had NO sleep for three nights having to sit up in a chair in the living room because I was too itchy to settle down in bed.  This time Doc gave me a script for some Prednisone,  told me to keep taking the Benadryl, cortisone cream and a lotion.

I think that I have figured out what it is that is happening to me.   Penicillin!

I was allergic to penicillin in my teens and had not used it in years but a couple of years ago after having my appendix removed a doctor at the hospital told me that I should be retested to see if  I was still allergic to the drug. She said there is nothing better, if I ever really needed it.

So I made an appointment with an allergist and low and behold he said that I was no longer allergic to the drug. Since then I have had a course of treatment a few months ago without incident. ( or so I thought)

Since this happened I have been scouring the net for info on this because it seemed odd to me that I would okay one time and the next time I completed the whole prescription and the symptoms occurred a week after I finished  the prescription. It can happen, according to what I read. I now have an appointment with another allergist. I can only say that if I feel this lousy from an allergic reaction I can't imagine what it would feel like to be really ill.

Hubby has been wonderful, doing the dishes, laundry, vacuuming etc.   The worst of it has been that my poor hands have been scratched beyond there limit and are so sore I have not been able to do any sewing or knitting. I think I may be on the mend now.

I hope all of you who are on the east coast of Canada and the US have weathered the storm. I have been watching some of the storm coverage on CNN.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shadow and The Quilt top

I have been spending time both this afternoon and yesterday putting the final borders on the Quilt I am doing for our church quilting group. I had pretty much decided that I was not going to make any more large Quilts because I find them so difficult to manage there size while sewing. I was asked to put this together so I am once again working on another large quilt.

In the midst of my sewing on these borders and listening to a book on tape (Debbie Macomber - 16 Light house Rd) we got a thunderstorm.

Now my dearest darling dog Shadow does not love thunder. She is not nearly as bad as our last dog (Sam who huffed, puffed and shook through each storm) however she wants to stand near me be petted and comforted during the whole storm. So imagine how I was trying to hold a Queen size quilt top in my lap full of pins on the border while a large Dog tried to push her way under the sewing machine and keep her head on my lap. She knows I can't resist or ignore those big brown eyes so the sewing had to take the back burner. Fortunately the storm did not last to long and I got back to my sewing.

This is our most recent picture of her, hubby's toes included.
Darling Dog Shadow

Monday, August 15, 2011

Small Quilt Show - Jane Burke

Eleanor Burns Pattern
Jane told us that she acquired the blocks just the hexagon shape.
 She added the plain coloured
triangles and centres and the border. 

Eleanor Burns Pattern

Friendship blocks likely for a wedding

Sugar and flour sack quilt

Looks familiar but don't know pattern.
Also made with polyester knit and backed with
a curtain

This quilt was made from donations blocks given to
Jane in her outgoing  President year. She made up
tea groups around vintage doilies. This one is Gorgeous 

Drunkards Path?

Made from cigar box flag inserts
Grandmother's Flower Garden

Cheddar and Blue

Tea Towel Quilt
Cathedral Window made of crimpilene and corduroy
Jane is a past president of the Mississauga Quilt Guild. She brought her quilts to the Lakefield Farmers Market. They were hung on a clothesline strung between the trees. It was beautiful.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quilt Canada May 2011

Quilt Canada was in May, and I was too busy playing Cityville to keep up with my Blog. However I should tell you we had a great time. The Quilts were amazing. No Photo's were allowed but I think you can look on the CQA web site.

I had a great time with my friends whom I had not seen since my time in Barrie  we had a lovely meal brought by them (Lasagna, salad, fruit etc) and we sat around our apartment and talked.

My friend Kelly and I took two classes during the week there and left quite a bit of money at the merchant mall.

London, On is consider the city of trees, so that was the theme and logo of the show. The organizing committee sent out a call for leaf bowls. The plan was to have one for each delegate.  There was a pattern available, sent to the member and all of the guilds. Now keep in mind that they often have difficulty getting enough of these items. They were hoping for 400 and stopped counting when they reached 1500. WOW!

Mary, Kelly, Myself and Margaret

One of the classes

Close up

Leaf Bowl with Goodies

All of my Friends in Stitches

Stage prepped with extra leaf bowls and quilt made by one member of Dala who performed for us on the night of the Gala 

Sunday, August 07, 2011

Sunday Morning and Hubby's Birthday

Morning all, I am here in the land of the pouring rain. First few weeks of this summer have been sweltering, mostly have the A/C on all of the time, which I hate. Now we are having lots and lots of rain which we need.  I have been working on putting together a little quilt for my church group. We meet every Thursday and hand quilt. I can attest to the fact that it is so relaxing and fun to see and gab with the other ladies. Here is in EQ design. It is not my preference, but the person for whom we are making this quilt.   I am in the throws of piecing all of the blocks and sashing together. Not a job that I love but I was elected. 

Anyway today is hubby's birthday and we have had our breakfast and I have lavished him with all of this presents. Mom is taking us out to dinner tonight. It is a 100 mile dinner put on by some local chefs as a kick off for the our annual Peterborough  Exhibition . Hopefully it will be lots of good food and drink.

Monday, August 01, 2011

I'm Back

I have to admit that I have been addicted to the games on facebook. It all started last Christmas with Cityville, then escalated to start back on Farmville, then Frontierville, then English Farmville and then Empire and Allies. The bottom line is that I was spending more time on the computer then I was at my favorite pastime quilting. Anyway I am back know and hope I will have lots to share in the next while. For now I need help. I am new to this new blogger and I have a problem. While I am typing this draft I find that the toolbar at the top of the page is almost completely covered by the page that you type on. Any idea's on how to fix this. I won't be able to post any photos at this rate.