
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Shadow and The Quilt top

I have been spending time both this afternoon and yesterday putting the final borders on the Quilt I am doing for our church quilting group. I had pretty much decided that I was not going to make any more large Quilts because I find them so difficult to manage there size while sewing. I was asked to put this together so I am once again working on another large quilt.

In the midst of my sewing on these borders and listening to a book on tape (Debbie Macomber - 16 Light house Rd) we got a thunderstorm.

Now my dearest darling dog Shadow does not love thunder. She is not nearly as bad as our last dog (Sam who huffed, puffed and shook through each storm) however she wants to stand near me be petted and comforted during the whole storm. So imagine how I was trying to hold a Queen size quilt top in my lap full of pins on the border while a large Dog tried to push her way under the sewing machine and keep her head on my lap. She knows I can't resist or ignore those big brown eyes so the sewing had to take the back burner. Fortunately the storm did not last to long and I got back to my sewing.

This is our most recent picture of her, hubby's toes included.
Darling Dog Shadow


  1. Shadow is not alone, many animals don't like of our cats used to be terrified, although she is coping better as she gets older. Large quilts are difficult enough to manage without a dog trying to shelter under them!

  2. Westies have no fear! I've had a few different kinds of dogs in my long life (so far) and my three westies couldn't care less, but I had a spaniel that shook the bed when thunder and lightning happened. If I put him under the blankets, he calmed down. I think the lightning is the fear.
    I can imagine the difficulty of a queen quilt, having done one and swearing never to do one again.
    Glad to find you blogging once again.
