
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Quilt Canada May 2011

Quilt Canada was in May, and I was too busy playing Cityville to keep up with my Blog. However I should tell you we had a great time. The Quilts were amazing. No Photo's were allowed but I think you can look on the CQA web site.

I had a great time with my friends whom I had not seen since my time in Barrie  we had a lovely meal brought by them (Lasagna, salad, fruit etc) and we sat around our apartment and talked.

My friend Kelly and I took two classes during the week there and left quite a bit of money at the merchant mall.

London, On is consider the city of trees, so that was the theme and logo of the show. The organizing committee sent out a call for leaf bowls. The plan was to have one for each delegate.  There was a pattern available, sent to the member and all of the guilds. Now keep in mind that they often have difficulty getting enough of these items. They were hoping for 400 and stopped counting when they reached 1500. WOW!

Mary, Kelly, Myself and Margaret

One of the classes

Close up

Leaf Bowl with Goodies

All of my Friends in Stitches

Stage prepped with extra leaf bowls and quilt made by one member of Dala who performed for us on the night of the Gala 

1 comment:

  1. Looks as though you had a great time.....wish I could have been there too!
