
Monday, September 14, 2009

Baltimore Album Quilt

Sorry I have been so remiss in keeping up to date on my blog. Our house has still not sold yet and it keeps me busy keeping it tidy. I know it has only been two weeks but it does tend to worry you a bit even though logically I know it will take time. I was home last week helping Mom choose fittings, fixtures, carpet and flooring for her new digs. When I got home I started looking at some of the UFO's. One in particular stands out. My Baltimore Album Quilt. I have about 14 blocks made and I need another 2 at least to make a proper size quilt. I have three more blocks started but I am not so happy with them now.  I think I will start a new one and then perhaps it will spur me on to finish. I will share a few with you over the next few days. At first I decided I would be true to Baltimore and go all red and green. Then later on I added a paisley and some others reds and greens. So it will be colourful. 
The first block we did was a "Papercut" in this simple "Fleur de Lis pattern.
The rose wreath was my favorite. The simpler rose wreath was a class I took with Elly Sienkiewicz "The Queen" of Baltimore Album Quilt Teaching. and if you look hard you can see that she signed block in the upper right hand corner. That was a real treat.   


  1. Those are lovely blocks! Keep going with them, it will make a beautiful finished quilt.

  2. Very,very beautiful!
