
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baltimore Album Quilt (more Blocks)

I was at the dentist today. I have sensitive teeth and when I have them cleaned I have to have about 6 needles of freezing before I can let the dentist work on me. It is kind of stressful, but it is the only way I can manage it and  it's over now for another 6 months.

So far we have had about 12 couples come to look at the house and only one offer (not the right one), I keep praying that the process won't take too long, because it is rather worrying but I am sure in time we will have the right buyer(s) come along.

Here are a few more of the Baltimore Album blocks that I have finished.

Once I finish two more blocks than I will have to decid on simple border pattern. I have just about every book that Elly Sienkiewicz ever published, so I should be able to find one.


  1. Just beautiful!!!!!! I look forward to seeing them all together.

  2. Wow - they are all absolutely gorgeous - makes me want to tackle this but not just yet I've got a lot to learn before I dare do so.

  3. Beautiful Baltimore blocks!
