
Sunday, September 20, 2009

Simcoe County Quilt Show

I spent a couple of hours at the Simcoe County Quilt show with my friends today. The weather was beautiful.
It is an annual show at the Museum and there is lots of place to sit outside and eat. The food is all prepared by a local church and the prices are right. We sat outside and enjoyed the sun after viewing the show.

 There are two quilts which are the same pattern but treated differently, both beautiful. The quilting on the bargello was fabulous it looks like thread is dripping off the fabric. There were some real beauties.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Update on construction

Mom's addition is coming along nicely.

I am going out to the Simcoe County Museum for the annual Quilter, hookers and embroiders show, It is usually quite good. I will try to post a few pictures tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

........and a Few More

Here are a few more of the blocks that I have made.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Baltimore Album Quilt (more Blocks)

I was at the dentist today. I have sensitive teeth and when I have them cleaned I have to have about 6 needles of freezing before I can let the dentist work on me. It is kind of stressful, but it is the only way I can manage it and  it's over now for another 6 months.

So far we have had about 12 couples come to look at the house and only one offer (not the right one), I keep praying that the process won't take too long, because it is rather worrying but I am sure in time we will have the right buyer(s) come along.

Here are a few more of the Baltimore Album blocks that I have finished.

Once I finish two more blocks than I will have to decid on simple border pattern. I have just about every book that Elly Sienkiewicz ever published, so I should be able to find one.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Baltimore Album Quilt

Sorry I have been so remiss in keeping up to date on my blog. Our house has still not sold yet and it keeps me busy keeping it tidy. I know it has only been two weeks but it does tend to worry you a bit even though logically I know it will take time. I was home last week helping Mom choose fittings, fixtures, carpet and flooring for her new digs. When I got home I started looking at some of the UFO's. One in particular stands out. My Baltimore Album Quilt. I have about 14 blocks made and I need another 2 at least to make a proper size quilt. I have three more blocks started but I am not so happy with them now.  I think I will start a new one and then perhaps it will spur me on to finish. I will share a few with you over the next few days. At first I decided I would be true to Baltimore and go all red and green. Then later on I added a paisley and some others reds and greens. So it will be colourful. 
The first block we did was a "Papercut" in this simple "Fleur de Lis pattern.
The rose wreath was my favorite. The simpler rose wreath was a class I took with Elly Sienkiewicz "The Queen" of Baltimore Album Quilt Teaching. and if you look hard you can see that she signed block in the upper right hand corner. That was a real treat.   

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Construction has begun

Mom sent me a picture today of the hole dug for the basement and foundation of her new granny flat. Now if we could just sell this house.

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

I Think I Am Hooked

With the house up "For Sale" and wanting to keep things rather tidy, I did not want to get my sewing machine out so I have started making hexagons and so far I have only done a few but I think that I have been bitten by the bug.