
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Oriential Vases

My Great Aunt passed away a few years ago and my Mother gave me a pair of vases that belonged to her. I had always loved them. I love the colours in them are so vibrant and the gilding is perfect. I really don't know anything about them. I assume they are Chinese or Japanese Earthenware. If anyone has any information about them I would love to hear it.  I am trying to do a little research on them now.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quilt Top Completed

Yesterday Kelly and I worked flat out from 11:00 am (after we had coffee) until about 6:00pm (with a break for lunch) and we were able to complete the Quilt Top for the wedding we are attending August 1st.

Even though it was a very simple pattern, it took us three sessions of cuting and sewing to complete, and a little home work in between each session. I have time booked on a long arm to complete the quilting and then there is the binding to put on. Kelly and I are most pleased with how it has turn out so far. Using all batiks really makes it quite beautiful. 

I'd love to hear if any of you have simple patterns using the package of Bali Pops, as I have another now that I received for my birthday. If so please advise where they are posted either on your blog or elsewhere on the web. I would be sincerely grateful. 

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another Lovely Saturday with my Dear Friend

Another Beautiful Saturday with my best friend Kelly. We got together to work on a quilt we are making  for a wedding gift. We are making good progress and it is looking quite lovely. I will have some photo's once Kelly is finished sewing. She is sitting here sewing on the binding as I am making this entry.
Kelly brought our lunch, some delightful Tuna salad wraps. The Tuna salad is filled with all kinds of crunchies like celery and radishes all diced into tiny little pieces, then topped shredded lettuce and cheddar to complete the mixture, all nicely tucked into whole wheat/flax wraps. It was ambrosia. (No Photos because it didn't last long enough)
I made the strawberry shortcake to celebrate my birthday and Kelly brought me a lovely birthday present.
A wonderful new Bali Pop collection in Kiwiberry and the latest edition of Quiltmania Magazine. It has been a really lovely day. But it always is when you can spend it with a friend. 

Friday, June 26, 2009

Drum Roll Please..................and the Winner is!


I had two Karens among those of you stopped by my blog so that is why there is a number. I had hubby select the name out of a jar to be fair.  Thanks to all of you who dropped by my blog.

Hubby took me out to The Keg tonight for a very nice dinner. It was a real treat.

Well birthday over for another year!

Today is my Birthday

Here I am many years and pounds ago. Happy Birthday to me.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Yet another Wisp (Work In Slow Progress)

I have been trying to finish this little piece for ages. It is a wall hanging I'm making to commemorate a trip to Newfoundland I made with some of my quilting friends. I stitched six inch squares in motifs depicting sewing and Newfoundland landmarks as reminders of the things we did and places we had been. I am finishing the last two stitcheries and then I should be able to put it together. My plan was to put them together simply with sashing.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Birthday Present to you

As I mentioned in my last post, my birthday is this Friday and I would like give one of my readers a birthday present. Everyone loves to get a parcel in the mail.

I am giving away a bundle of 5 Mary Englebreit Fat Quarters and a quilt book. There are a few other small things which will remain a surprise.

Please put leave me a comment between now and 5 pm friday (my time) and I will draw the name of the lucky winner.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wedding Quilt Progress

Hi Folks,

Wow it has been a real rollercoaster of weather lately. Saturday was humid and rainy, Sunday Breezy and Sunny and yesterday, Monday it was really hot and Sunny. More rounds of medical appointments almost one each day this week. They take alot out of me after the drive there and back I am ready for a nap.

I met my friend Kelly at a our local Quilt shop and we chose the fabric for the border and backing of the Wedding Quilt,  which I will post when we complete the quilt. Kelly has an equal number of blocks at her house. The quilt will be twice this size plus the borders. Saturday we will get together and put the quilt together.

 I wish you could see it in person. The batiks are so bright and vibrant. The creamy white, framing each block, has a frosty shimmer and together they look great.

Stay tuned for more on this quilt.

On another note, my birthday is Friday, and I am looking forward to it. My husband is going to be off work so I expect I will be pampered, a little.

From the time that I was a little girl, Strawberry season has always been at the time of my birthday and I have never been much of a cake eater. My mom always made me a strawberry pie, strawberry tarts or a strawberry shortcake for my birthday. I think I will carry on the tradition.

Check back tomorrow, because I am planning a birthday give away. So for everyone who leaves me a
comment between now and friday, you name goes in the draw for the giveaway. Good Luck!  

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm Back

Hi everyone I am back and mostly recouperated from my surgery. I still have to go back to the doctor next week to see how things are going but I am pretty well healed.
The members of our quilting group "Friend in Stitches", were invited to the wedding of a friends daughter. This friend is part of our group. So my friend  Kelly and have decided,  "When in Rome".......... (make a quilt)

I went through my stash and found I had some Bali Pop's (a package of 40, 2 1/2" Bali strips) and a 2 metre piece of frosted off white fabric, which would work for this basket weave pattern. So Kelly came over and we had a cutting party. Once we devided everything up, we took the fabric home and each worked on our pile of blocks. Once we have our blocks put together and we are going to add 3 borders to the quilt. The inner and outer border will be a Batik that goes well with all the others, likely something in a dark brown. The middle border will be the same frosted cream fabric in the same with as the basket weave. Here is a couple of photos of the smaller blockers.