
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Quilt Top Completed

Yesterday Kelly and I worked flat out from 11:00 am (after we had coffee) until about 6:00pm (with a break for lunch) and we were able to complete the Quilt Top for the wedding we are attending August 1st.

Even though it was a very simple pattern, it took us three sessions of cuting and sewing to complete, and a little home work in between each session. I have time booked on a long arm to complete the quilting and then there is the binding to put on. Kelly and I are most pleased with how it has turn out so far. Using all batiks really makes it quite beautiful. 

I'd love to hear if any of you have simple patterns using the package of Bali Pops, as I have another now that I received for my birthday. If so please advise where they are posted either on your blog or elsewhere on the web. I would be sincerely grateful. 


  1. love it!

  2. Deb, this quilt is beautiful....lucky recipients!!! Thanks for the visit to my blog today....wish we were neighbors too.....I'd love to help you's FUN! Hope you return! Pat

  3. Oh yeah this is a winner! You have great colour sense and this one sure pops with the white you used.
    I wish is was me getting married (again) to get it....

  4. i love the colors ,i love this quilt

  5. That is one beautiful quilt!!!
