
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wedding Quilt Progress

Hi Folks,

Wow it has been a real rollercoaster of weather lately. Saturday was humid and rainy, Sunday Breezy and Sunny and yesterday, Monday it was really hot and Sunny. More rounds of medical appointments almost one each day this week. They take alot out of me after the drive there and back I am ready for a nap.

I met my friend Kelly at a our local Quilt shop and we chose the fabric for the border and backing of the Wedding Quilt,  which I will post when we complete the quilt. Kelly has an equal number of blocks at her house. The quilt will be twice this size plus the borders. Saturday we will get together and put the quilt together.

 I wish you could see it in person. The batiks are so bright and vibrant. The creamy white, framing each block, has a frosty shimmer and together they look great.

Stay tuned for more on this quilt.

On another note, my birthday is Friday, and I am looking forward to it. My husband is going to be off work so I expect I will be pampered, a little.

From the time that I was a little girl, Strawberry season has always been at the time of my birthday and I have never been much of a cake eater. My mom always made me a strawberry pie, strawberry tarts or a strawberry shortcake for my birthday. I think I will carry on the tradition.

Check back tomorrow, because I am planning a birthday give away. So for everyone who leaves me a
comment between now and friday, you name goes in the draw for the giveaway. Good Luck!  


  1. Hi Quiltgal, I love the pattern you are making right now. Can't wait to see it finished. Have a "Happy Birthday" I will check back. Cathy

  2. Deb, how are you feeling overall? You must really be on the mend with the quilting you have accomplished. What a gift that will be!

  3. Love your use of white as the sashing! very crisp.
