
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Back in the Saddle

Before all of this appendicitis stuff happened, I had been down in Toronto for yet another Doctor's appointment. To treat myself after the appointment I went to Sew Sisters a great quilt that has both a store and a web business. Low and behold,  I saw this pattern made up and hanging on the wall.

Well I had to have it. I hope to have it done for this Christmas but with so many others UFO's we will ahve to see.

I am thrilled with it.


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Such a great pattern...have fun starting it.

  2. I so love this pattern. Maybe one day! And, thank you for the Bamboo Batting information. :)

  3. Love the quilt, but just wonder if the current generation will ever experience a visit to Grandmother's House like the one pictures. I had rural grandparents but my children/grandchildren don't Live has changed -- now it is to Grandmother's condo we go!

  4. Hummmm, got ahead of my self and sent instead of proofing!
    Should have said Life has changed.

    Also, hope you are back up and running soon!
