
Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I admit it, I am addicted to quilt magazines. I am currently receiving subscriptions to 6 magazines. Unfortunately it doesn't  stop there. I also pick up other magazines when I am out shopping.  Hubby and I often make a date to go out for a fancy coffee at Starbucks (in our local Chapters) and pick up a magazine or two, to peruse while we sip our beverage.

So this morning I am going to start and sort through the pile I have been collecting next to my chair for the last 6 months. (this is a pile I have ready thinned out once quickly).

I am going to look through each magazine for patterns I think I could or would actually make. If I find one, I will put a paper sticker on the front of the magazine noting the page and type of quilt or project I am saving the magazine for. Then I am going to give the rest of the magazine to my quilty friends.

I leave you today with a picture of my darling Shadow. This morning she is was sitting on our deck, as usual surveying her kingdom. She likes to keep watch on all of the   birds, squirrels and chipmunks. As I went to take a second shot she turned around and said Yea Mom, what do you want.


  1. Ha! when you go through your magazines and mark the quilt articles/patterns that you think you might do today, then in a year or two you look at them and you see something completely different and wonder why you thought you might make it! I have magazines back to the 1970's and still find useful and interesting things in them -- but then of course you do have to throw away or give away something sometime -- it is very hard to do, though! PS, Hope your health is improving...

  2. Marking your magazines is a brilliant idea. I wish I had thought of that earlier. I have tons of magazines, and can`t remember where I saw the good stuff. Giving away magazines is also an excellent notion, then we can buy some more ;)

  3. I am (was) a bit of a magazine addict, but now I only have one magazine subscription. Quilter's Newsletter. I still look at magazines at the store, but it has to have at least three patterns that I like or one that I really love, before I will purchase it.
