
Friday, January 02, 2009

Happy New Year

Good Morning everyone, I am a little late getting all of my Resolution type plans in order, but here goes.

1. Get into a more Healthy Eating Regime, (not the "D" word), get more active, etc. More on this later.

2. Make a Memory Box - I have decided that I have lot of little things, notes of love and encouragement, cards and pictures that mean a lot to me and I would like to keep them in a place that I can revisit them and keep them without worrying about losing them. I have a lovely tin box that I am going gather up my things and keep them in.

3. Make a list of each room in my home, and further break down the list of what I want to do in each room E.G. clean out closet, clean out dresser drawers, Declutter shelf in the closet etc. My plan is to prioritize each one and as I have time work on each task for a short time. I think that I will be more satisfied if I can do one small task and see it through to completion instead of just saying clean this room, which can be a daunting task at time.

Right now I have several Doctor's appointments this week and a couple of small hand sewing projects I need to finish for my Kindred Group. So I best get cracking!

 Here are some pictures I took over Christmas. Hubby in the midst of the aftermath. My fur baby before we started opening, and Lovely bouquet my husband brought me home on Christmas Eve.


  1. Hi Deb. I have noted your beautiful quilt that you use as a header on your blog. I posted it today on mine because I love it and hope that others will love it as much as I do.

  2. Hello I came to your cozy site by one that showed your lovely quilt thankyou!
