
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa's Only 2 Days Away

It is so wonderful to have my Mom here for Christmas. I picked her up last week just before a big snow storm, the first of 4 we are to have before Christmas. I have so many UFO's that I thought I would have done for Christmas that are not. Both Mom and my Hubby are going to receive partially finished gifts with Promises for the new year.

Here's Mom and Shadow,  Mom is playing games on the computer. It is so wonderful to have her here.



  1. You are lucky you were able to get your mom before the snow storms struck - have a happy time with your family, I'm sure they will appreciate the quilts even if they are not finished!

  2. How nice that your mom is able to visit for Christmas. I flew home a couple weeks ago to spend time with my Mom but we won't see each other again until February.

  3. Hi Deb, Happy New Year. I meant to post earlier, and now it's the new year.
    What with the weather we have been through, you were lucky to have your mom for christmas.
    we brought my mom for an afternoon lunch and it was a blizzard here in Whitby. Being in a wheelchair made the task daunting to say the least. We are lucky to have mothers as so many do not.
