
Friday, September 04, 2015

New Quilt in the Making

I feel fairly safe in posting this because I am sure that my nephew and his fiance don't read my blog or even know I have one for that matter.

My Nephew is getting married next year and I and going to make them a quilt.  I gave them the option of traditional or more modern. They chose Modern and wouldn't you know they will have a King size. I have a couple of ideas the first was a Jelly Roll race quilt similar to this one I made recently.

There colours are navy, gold and cream, so I order 3 Bali Pop in Pacific blue, a yard cream that I will cut up into 2.5 inch strips and I also bought lots of gold strips. However since then I have found another pattern I like too, also made of 2,5 inch strips. It is not exactly like this one but close. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Warming up

Things are starting to warm up in our part of the province again. Supposedly we are to have a very hot "end of week" and lots of humidity. Thank heavens for A/C.

Mom and I went to the Peterborough Farmers Market yesterday morning. I love it this time of year, everything is so lush and abundant. Yesterday morning they open from 7:30am to 1pm,  we were there at 10 am and already several vendors had sold out. The cheese man had not curds left, there was baker who had no product left and a man who prepares mexican fresh egg burritos while you wait had not more eggs etc. to make any more.

There was however a man giving away free samples of hot corn on the cob and lots of ontario vegetable recipes. He said it was the local farmers way of saying thank you to the patrons for coming and purchasing from them. There are two Niagara on the lake growers who drive all the way to Peterborough to sell their fruit. They had peaches, plums, pears, nectarines and gorgeous grapes to name a few. I love how they also sell mixed baskets of a couple of each fruits.

Back at home I am working on a new Granny Ripple Blankets, the first picture is from a few nights ago when I first started it.

The Pattern is from Very Pink Knits and here is a Youtube link to the video.

Next time I will have some pictures of a new quilt I am working on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Fall is in the Air

We woke this morning to our coldest day so far this summer. I knew it was going to be chilly so I have taken out a roast of beef for dinner,  thinking it might be nice to to have the oven on today. It is only 20 celsius or 68 fahrenheit.  Hubby helped me and I have everything ready to go in the oven. Prime Rib of beef,  roasted new potatoes with their skins on, roasted carrots and broccoli with lemon garlic butter drizzled over them. I will make beef and mushroom gravy and for dessert Chocolate coffee pudding with whipped cream. I invited my Mom over for dinner too. I feel quite righteous today as I went to the gym early this morning, came home stripped and remade the bed. Tidied up the house and we have had lunch and got dinner ready for the oven. I am now ready to sip my second cup of tea and I am going to sit down for a while and crochet while hubby watches a baseball game on TV.

Oh dear there was some dreadful news on about an anchorwoman and her cameraman who were killed in the US by a disgruntled TV station employee. Is it just awful all of the bad things happening in the world today. My prayers will certainly be with their families today.

I have been working on another quilt top that I have been procrastinating over. I feel better already by getting back at it. As it has been chilly lately (supposed to get hot and humid again this weekend)
I thought I would share a couple of Afghans that I have been finished recently. I have started another one using up the scraps from the first two.    Attic 24

This is a simple pattern from Attic24 it is actually twice the width shown here. 

This is the edging on the blanket from above.
This is a Ripple Blanket from Attic 24 made from Scraps.

Special thanks to those who leave me comments I really appreciated them. Susan I tried to respond to your comment but your blog profile will not allow me too. But thanks I really like hearing from you all. So whats on the menu at your house?

So you don't think we eat high off the hog everyday last night was Cabbage Roll Casserole.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Away so long......

So sorry I have been away so long. I have no excuse except to say that I am not very good at photos and I know that a blog without photos is pretty boring. So I am here to try again. First off I never did finish the crazy quilting piece. I had so many layers of fabric sewn together that I could not get  my needle through it without shredding my silk ribbon so I put it aside for a while.

I do have some projects on the go. Here is a picture of a quilt top I have just finished. It is called Over the River by Crabapple Hill. I had the embroideries done and a few weeks ago a friend of mine came to visit and we both worked on the quilt blocks. I am pretty happy that I finished my top.