
Friday, August 21, 2015

Away so long......

So sorry I have been away so long. I have no excuse except to say that I am not very good at photos and I know that a blog without photos is pretty boring. So I am here to try again. First off I never did finish the crazy quilting piece. I had so many layers of fabric sewn together that I could not get  my needle through it without shredding my silk ribbon so I put it aside for a while.

I do have some projects on the go. Here is a picture of a quilt top I have just finished. It is called Over the River by Crabapple Hill. I had the embroideries done and a few weeks ago a friend of mine came to visit and we both worked on the quilt blocks. I am pretty happy that I finished my top.


  1. Oh's been a whole year! I love your quilt top, it's beautiful.

  2. Such a lot of work! It's beautiful. Glad to see you back.

  3. Welcome back to blogland! I love your quilt top! I bought the pattern and fabrics (different colors to yours) some years ago, forgot about it and pulled it out from the shelf not more than 2-3 weeks ago. I hope to start working on it, soon............ :)

  4. you are not alone in leaving blogging for awhile! I too had to take a long break. It is great to see you back now, tho! I think I am off the modern quilting and back to admiring traditional and arty type stuff... Not actually doing quilts right now tho!

  5. I love this embroidery pattern too and when I got one I had to decide between it and the winter wonderland at Crabapple Hill

  6. Beautiful, I have two of the three panels of mine done, need to get the third one done so I can finish it up.......thanks for the inspiration, might be just the boost I need to dig mine out and finish it!
