
Saturday, June 08, 2013

New Hip and Further Weight Loss

I had my hip replacement surgery on May 7th and I am really happy with my progress.  I came home from the hospital a day early ( only in 3 nights in the hospital) and my Physiotherapist says that I continue to be ahead of schedule in terms of my progress.

I went shopping with my Mom at our local farmers market at the two week mark and with the aid of a walker was able to walk the entire market, something that I have been unable to do for a couple of years.  I am down a total of 95 pounds now and I am sure that is making things much easier.
This morning we went to the Market again and I carried a 10 pounds bag of potatoes back to the car.
I could not believe how  heavy they were and then I thought I have been carrying around almost 10 extra of those bags for years. No wonder I had such difficulty walking.

The weight loss has meant that I have had to buy a few new pieces of clothing and don't think that wasn't fun. I went into our local Penningtons (large size clothing store) last week. I told the lady I had no idea what size I was and she said about a 1X. I picked up a top and pants in those sizes and held them up. I looked at my Mom and said there is no way these are going to fit me they are way to small. Anyhooooo I tried them on and low and behold they fit. I could not believe it.  I usually hate shopping because nothing fits or if it does it doesn't look nice but that day was different.  I felt great.

We had our final Quilt Guild meeting luncheon before the summer break. I was met with lots of compliments both on the fact that had lost so much weight but also that I was getting around so well since my hip surgery.  This first photo is of me last March on our bus trip to the Lancaster Quilt Show the lower photo is of me just a couple of weeks before my hip surgery. I have lost another 10 pounds since then. I am really keen to continue. I won't say exactly how much more I want to lose but I have a way to go. I won't tell you that it is not difficult because it is. Just because I can't eat as much doesn't mean that I don't want to eat more and I still have cravings for the usual things like cookies, ice cream and candy. Don't let anyone tell you that gastric bypass is the easy way to lose weight. It is just another tool to help but it is still hard. I am now off all my diabetes meds and reduced my blood pressure medication by about half.  The hip replacement surgery has meant that I am no longer taking any Tylenol#3 and a regular Tylenol does the job. I may have to have the other hip replaced but hopefully I will have a little more recovery before I have to worry about that.

I leave you with some photos of a workshop that I took recently that taught us how to make these Quilt Blocks in an easy way. It was a great day of workshop fun. I learned a lot.  


  1. Hi! You are looking GREAT! I'm so glad you are recovering so well after the hip surgery and that the weight loss makes you able to reduce some of your medications. That's the way to go! :) Lovely quilts and I'm sure you had a great time.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Deb you are looking fantastic! so glad to hear about all the medications you are now off - doesn't that feel great :) I'm so glad to hear the hip surgery went well and that you are recovering so well from it.

  3. Wow, look amazing! You don't look like the same woman that you were. Keep on the road to recovery, you are doing very well. Thank you for the quilt pics!

  4. Debra, you are looking amazing!
    Keep up the good work with the hip, and the QUILTS. Always love looking at your work.

  5. That is significant weight loss and it really shows. So glad to hear the hip replacement went so well too.

  6. I forgot to mention that my cousin is a quilter in Peterborough, Brenda Higgins. Do you know her?

  7. Debra you look gorgeous and I can tell that you're feeling so much better. Weight loss is not fun but when our health is at stake I know it's worth it. I tell myself every time I start my diet over again! blessings, marlene

  8. Since you come up as a 'no reply' blogger, you are hard to get hold of. Kathy Shaw, the one teaching the beginner crazy quilt class posted a notice for people to finish signing up for the course. Your name was on the list. Here's what she posted.

    Assistance Please
    There are some ladies that have not posted an introduction yet.

    Some have not registered...because I don't see their emails on the Settings Page as being "arrived". At least one has gotten that far, but has not posted.

    Now, I can also have missed I am not perfect...and am running around trying to get this huge class and the Intermediate Class underway at the same time.

    But, IF you personally know any of these ladies...would you please contact them and let them know that the class is waiting on them to finish their registration process. I have no phone hoping that some of them were "invited by friends" already signed in.
