
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Photo Update.

I know that I promised I would update my blog more regularly and I will eventually get around to it. I have a Quilt class on Monday  "Blooming 9 Patch" I can hardly wait. But today I am cutting all my fabric and am really busy. I did however want to give you an update on my weight loss. So far I am down 70 pounds since the beginning of October. Here I am in all my Glory.


  1. you look like you are feeling great! you are doing a wonderful job on loosing that weight and before you know it you will be doing more and more without the pain you had been in for so long!

  2. Oh my.......I can see the difference between this photo and the previous one, you are looking good!

  3. Hi Deb! WOW! That's a big difference and you are looking GREAT!

  4. You are looking great Deb! You honestly look ten years younger than the previous photo.

  5. Congrats on a successful road to a wonderful life of better movement, self satisfaction and determniation. I think it is fabulous that you know what half the problem is in health care and taking into your hands for better health.
    There are many quilts to make and it is better to do it with less pain.
    Let us know how your class went, you look fabulous girl!!
