
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Working On

It is that time of year again when everyone is so busy with preparation for the holidays. I have the tree decorated and am working on some projects .The main thing that I am working on I can't show because it is a gift for a wedding that I will be attending in January. However I can show you a couple of things.

First is a blanket that I crocheted for a cousin's baby. Baby boy was born a month ago and his name is Malachi.

The second item I have just finished is a prayer shawl. There is a knitting group at church. The ladies get together once a week and knit prayer shawls for those who are sick or in need in some way or other. I belong to the quilting group (who meet on the same day) so I don't attend the knitting group but I knit/crochet at home. The wool is all donated and I picked up a bag of greys/black and added some white and some colours. I saw an afghan made over at , hooked on needles and I loved it. I thought that it would be just the thing to use up little bits of yarn. I think that I will make an afghan out of scraps of the yarn that I have.  Finally I have to leave you two pictures of the most beautiful little girl in the world my baby Shadow.

Next time I will have some pictures of a baby quilt that I am finishing for my
church quilt group.


  1. you have been busy - all that crocheting - beautiful work. love the tree :)

  2. Your tree is lovely! Those are interesting crochet patterns too. Shadow is looking very relaxed, isn't she.

  3. They're both very pretty, I have crocheted in a while. I wish I could find some time for it.
