
Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas is Well and Truly over

You can tell by the photos that Christmas is over.  Hubby, mom and Shadow are relaxing.  Christmas was wonderful. I love spending time with the two most favorite people in my life, and my darling dog.

The week between Christmas and New Years has always been my favorite. A time to relax, take stock, make lists, plan for the future, both personal improvements and Quilting. A time to sit in my nightie and drink coffee, play on the computer, watch TV and THINK.    

Plans for this year:
- continue with (restart after holiday) low GI Diet plan
- begin with my Personal Trainer Natalie, starting Jan 6th
- begin working with a Dietitian in February
- work on organizing and cleaning up the basement shelves and crawl space
- this year I will begin the job of Web Master for our Quilt Guild
- I have signed up for Sharon Boggon's TAST
- finally, act on my list of unfinished quilts, either complete them, plan a completion date or donate    the unfinished blocks 

Ø  Femme Fatale wall hanging
Ø  Hearts and Flowers
Ø  Orchid Sashiko
Ø  Victorian Bouquet
Ø  Scrappy Lattice
Ø  Newfoundland  trip wall hanging
Ø  Sunbonnet Sue
Ø  Mauve blocks that I won
Ø  Red flower Tinners
Ø  Garden Embroidery Quilt
Ø  Red work Sue Quilt
Ø  Shadows Wall hanging
Ø  New York Beauty
Ø  Scrap Half Square Triangles
Ø  Needle case, felt
Ø  Baltimore Album
Ø  Yellow Brick road
Ø  Brick and Blocks
Ø  Pink and Blue Baby Quilt
Eatons Embroidered blocks

So that is my plan for the new year. I am trying to keep it simple and not to overwhelming. The list of UFO'a might grow as I remember more unfinished projects.


  1. looks like you have a big list of ufo's to keep you busy. Happy New Year.

  2. Sounds like a good plan to me, Deb! Your family looks very relaxed. Best wishes for New Year!

  3. Oh you're so lucky to still have your Mom! Please explain - what is a low GI diet? blessings, marlene

  4. You won't run out of work with all those UFO/WIP's this year! I've made a list too, but my aim is not to finish them all... I'll be very happy if I manage half, because there is always new projects to start too, isn't it?!! :) I love the week between Christmas and New Year's Eve, have always done.

  5. Anonymous11:23 PM

    thank goodness I am not the only one with UFO's that number in the double digits!
