
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Church Group Quilters

Last Thursday I had a marvellous day, one I hope will be the first of many. I decided to join the ladies at my church who Quilt every Thursday. They begin about 9:30 and go until about 3:00 pm. What a wonderful time we had sitting around the frame chatting and stitching, sometimes saying nothing at all. 

Just before lunch one of the ladies got up and went into the kitchen. She made, tea set out real plates mugs, milk jug, sugar bowl and plates of cheese, pickles and celery. All we had to do was to bring our own sandwich from home. She also put our a large plate of cookies for after our lunch.  Three cups of tea later she cleaned up while the rest of resumed our place at the frame. It sure felt wonderful, a very relaxing day.

I'll be back next Thursday.


  1. What a lovely picture! Your Thursday group sounds lovely.

  2. A lovely post. do you really have that licence plate on your car? I love it!

  3. Sounds just like my cup of tea - enjoy!
