
Monday, October 25, 2010

Quilt is completed - "Coffee for Two"

I finally have my quilt completed and mailed off to my cousin and his wife. I don't think that they read my blog so I am fairly safe is in this posting. I am pleased with how it turned out.

 That is Hubby hiding behind acting as a holder.
 This is a close up of the quilting. Not done by me but a lady that my neighbour recommended and she did a lovely job.
 Finally a picture of my lovely little girl, Shadow. I could not miss the chance to show you she was helping me right up to the last stitch.


  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    Beautiful! Too bad you had to send it off before show and tell, I would've liked to have seen it in person. Who did the quilting? It looks really good.

  2. That is a lovely quilt and a darling helper. My dog in my teen years was a shepherd mix named Shadow.

  3. Beautiful quilt and awesome quilting!

    Dagmar from Germany
