
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Go Sens Go

We had a fabulous evening. Hubby and I are in Ottawa to visit my cousin Joe and to take in a couple of Senators hockey games. Tonight the Sens won 5-3 over  Florida. Tomorrow we are going to the Museum of Science and Technology and then out to dinner with my cousin and his three boys.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Quilt is completed - "Coffee for Two"

I finally have my quilt completed and mailed off to my cousin and his wife. I don't think that they read my blog so I am fairly safe is in this posting. I am pleased with how it turned out.

 That is Hubby hiding behind acting as a holder.
 This is a close up of the quilting. Not done by me but a lady that my neighbour recommended and she did a lovely job.
 Finally a picture of my lovely little girl, Shadow. I could not miss the chance to show you she was helping me right up to the last stitch.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Giveaway Winner.........Drum Roll Please!

After our sandwich and tea at lunchtime today my DH pulled the name of the Winner out of our Tea Cozy, well shaken not stirred.   The Lucky Winner is Valerie........over at

Congratulations and stay tuned, because my sewing room is full to overflowing and I will be having another giveaway sometime next month. Valerie, I have emailed for your address.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Off to be Quilted and Signature

I was visiting the blog of my pal Jennifer over at the Bronze Wombat, who gave info on how to make a siggy. I hope that you like mine. "Gemini" is now off to the Quilter so now I am going to make the binding, label and will post pictures when I get it back later this week.

The draw for the giveaway if tomorrow.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I have the first two row of my quilt sewn together.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Latest Photo of Gemini and Don't forget my Giveaway

Here is the latest photo of the Quilt  "Gemini" on my design wall, before the borders.  It is going to be quilted on Sunday so I best get sewing.

I am giving away this book, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts and a package or Moda (Flutterby Charms) The draw will be made by my hubby on Tuesday October 19th. So please make sure that I can reach you, by email.

To Qualify Please place a link on your Blog, to advise other folks of my give away and make sure that I have your email addy. That's it. Good Luck!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fabric Selection and Giveaway

Here is are the fabrics in the Hoffman Cappuccino collection, that I am using for my latest quilt, the Gemini Pattern and here are a few more blocks.

I have been fortunate in winning a giveaway lately, so I would like to reciprocate.

I am giving away this book, Jelly Roll and Charm Quilts and a package or Moda (Flutterby Charms) The draw will be made by my hubby on Tuesday October 19th. So please make sure that I can reach you, by email.

To Qualify Please place a link on your Blog, to advise other folks of my give away and make sure that I have your email addy. That's it. Good Luck!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Potatoes and Turnip prepared.  Check
Pumpkin pie is baked.  Check
Turkey is stuffed and in the oven. Check
Coleslaw and green beans prepared.  Check
Tomato juice and wine in the frig.   Check

I am going to take my Mom out to the Buckhorn Craft show this afternoon while the turkey is roasting. Hubby will be home to babysit Shadow and turkey.

PS. Follow up to my Sleep Study. I went to the doctor on Friday. He said  during my sleep study I stopped breathing 117 times an hour, twice a minute. I have to go back for another sleep study now that I have my CPAP machine and mask. So far the new machine and mask I have are a wonder. I get great sleep.

PPS I have now change my blog parameters so that anyone can leave a comment. So please do, I love hearing from you all. Stay tuned for a Giveaway.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Gemini in Cappuccino Bali Pops

I have started a new project. I found the pattern in "Quilt" magazine a while back and though I didn't care for there fabric selection, I did like the pattern very much.

I have been searching for a pattern  for while because I wanted to make a quilt (as a gift) using Bali Pops Cappuccino. Anyhoo, I think this block is just delicious and is just waiting for me to get sewing.

The pattern in the magazine uses cutting instructions for fat quarters but I could see that all of the strips  were 2 1/2" so I knew that it would work. When cutting my two sample block strips, I found that I had a little left at the end of each strip, so I cut out 2 1/2 inch squares. I think that I will use then  in the border some how.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

Sunsets and Kathy Wylie at Guild

I just had to share with you the sunsets that we have been having the last few nights. This is the view out my kitchen window. The three pictures were taken over the period of a few minutes as it changes so rapidly.

Today was Guild meeting and we had a fabulous Quilter, by the name of Kathy Wylie.She is from Whitby, Ontario. She is such a lovely girl who also happens to be extremely talented. Her quilts are award winning and we as Canadians should be proud to have her among us.

She does wonderful things with papercuts using both machine and hand applique. Her first book is called Sewflakes .She did a fabulous slide presentation and then showed us some of the quilts she brought with her.
Please use the link to check out her web site. But the pictures don't do the quilts justice.

I have news. I can't stand it, hold on now, I have actually started to sew something. Yes it is true. I can barely stand it. I have to pinch myself. Seriously, it is possible that I might actually finish the year with one new quilt to show for it. I will show you a couple the blocks next time I blog. Till next time, Keep on Stitchin.    

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Beautiful Fall Day

Wow What a beautiful couple of days it has been. I have been under the weather, a dreadful cold and sinus infection. However I am recovered and back in action.

Oh, I am so excited I won a draw on the Blog "Quilting in my Pajamas", I will put up a photo when my parcel arrives.

Mom and I went out for the day yesterday. We took a drive to Campbellford and visited the Empire Cheese shop, the Worlds Finest Chocolate Shop, a Quilt shop (naturally) and then went for a bite of lunch.  Just a couple of picture of the fall leaves, before we have none left.

Fall Splendor

Pretty Colours

One of Mom's End of Season Baskets

My License Plate

By the way, I have been wanting to share my license plate with you, in case you see me around. Hubby bought it for me for my 50th Birthday. At first I thought it was silly but now I love it.