
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sleepless in Peterborough

Hubby and I went for our Bi-annual Physical with the Doctor last week. She is such a lovely girl, we both like her very much but wish we didn't have to travel two hours to see her.

However, the doctor has sent me for a bunch of tests and one of them was a sleep test.

Oh What Fun!

You arrive at 8:30 and after donning your PJ's you sit in a waiting room full of strangers (they too are wearing their nightwear) and one by one you are called into another room to have electrodes cemented to your scalp (fun to pick out in the morning) and also on your legs and chest. After, you all emerge looking like Frankensteins, you are sent to your own rooms to sleep.

There is a tech who is positioned out in the hallway with a row of monitors in front of her and she can watch and listen to your sleeping (or most cases snoring) while watching the monitors for brain wave activity.
So about 2 in the morning after I had been asleep on and off about three or four times, My young tech enters my room and tells me that she has seen several episodes of sleep apnea so she is going to put a CPAP mask on me and see if it will help my sleep.  I slept soundly through the remainder of the night and at 5:30 am
they wake you to tell you it is time to get up and go home. Needless to say I slept most of the next day.
No this is not a picture of me but I am sure the facial mask is something similar to the one I had on my face. I will update you later.

On a Quilty note I treated myself to a copy of Electric Quilt 7, I have just loaded it and am starting the tutorials, so not much to tell you yet .

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