
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sleepless in Peterborough

Hubby and I went for our Bi-annual Physical with the Doctor last week. She is such a lovely girl, we both like her very much but wish we didn't have to travel two hours to see her.

However, the doctor has sent me for a bunch of tests and one of them was a sleep test.

Oh What Fun!

You arrive at 8:30 and after donning your PJ's you sit in a waiting room full of strangers (they too are wearing their nightwear) and one by one you are called into another room to have electrodes cemented to your scalp (fun to pick out in the morning) and also on your legs and chest. After, you all emerge looking like Frankensteins, you are sent to your own rooms to sleep.

There is a tech who is positioned out in the hallway with a row of monitors in front of her and she can watch and listen to your sleeping (or most cases snoring) while watching the monitors for brain wave activity.
So about 2 in the morning after I had been asleep on and off about three or four times, My young tech enters my room and tells me that she has seen several episodes of sleep apnea so she is going to put a CPAP mask on me and see if it will help my sleep.  I slept soundly through the remainder of the night and at 5:30 am
they wake you to tell you it is time to get up and go home. Needless to say I slept most of the next day.
No this is not a picture of me but I am sure the facial mask is something similar to the one I had on my face. I will update you later.

On a Quilty note I treated myself to a copy of Electric Quilt 7, I have just loaded it and am starting the tutorials, so not much to tell you yet .

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Fabulous Family Weekend

Mom and I spent the weekend with family. My mom had one brother who had very large family, nine children. They are mostly all married now with kids of there own and some of the kids are married and have kids of there own. You get the idea. It has now a huge family who get together a couple of time a year, usually, summer and Christmas. 

My cousin Rick lives in Fonthill, ON (near Welland). He owns a very successful business called The Country Corner Market. He sells top quality meat and makes pork and poultry sausages in huge variety of flavours. Rick is following a family tradition as our Grandfather and Rick's father were also butchers.

(Here is a picture of Rick (on the left) with one of his staff. On the left is an enlarged picture of our grandfathers store, called The New Center Meat Market, which was in Peterborough, ON many years ago) 

Needless to say the food at the family party was fabulous. Rick and his wife Robin prepared 2 humongous prime rib roasts on the bar-b-que, served with a huge pan of  sauteed mushrooms, mashed potatoes, a beef stock and Merlot reduction ( sumptuous) along with salads galore. Other members of the family brought their own specialty dishes, Terri her homemade Perogies and Trifle, Jane her salads and cheese spread, and on and on and on. There was food fun and family and it made for a wonderful weekend.

If you get down to the Welland, ON area please drop into Rick's store you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Heat Wave

Looks like we are having a heatwave. It has been blistering hot,  (high humidity) here for the last few days and it looks like we have a few more to come. Almost to hot to do anything outside. I've been staying cool inside fixing a pair of curtains.

Sunday, July 04, 2010

My Nieces Engagement Party

Yesterday hubby and I went to an engagement for my niece. The weather was very warm but there were two large canvas covers up for shade and the house was conditioned. The food was great and there was so much of it.

However the cake my sister-in-law bought was awesome. Have a look.

  Here are the newly engaged, Andrea and Jim.

Friday, July 02, 2010

The Day After Canada Day

Yesterday that Mom and I went to the Multi-Cultural Canada celebrations. It was great. We had Thai food for lunch and Caribbean homemade ice cream (Coconut Mango). There was great entertainment from tots to adults with the sun shining and a lovely cool breeze off the lake. The festivities were started by three ladies who sang O Canada in English and Ojibwa.

 The next two pictures are of the lake (right next to the park) including the centennial fountain, and my Mom's beautiful smiling face.
As promised here is one picture of the crocheted baby blanket that I have finished.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Happy Canada Day / Completed Binding

Happy Canada Day !! to all and Happy Independence Day to our friends from the south. Today there will be a parade and a Multi-Cultural fair in the park, in which all of the multi-cultural groups get together. There is food from all countries and performances on stage by a number of groups. I am looking forward to enjoying this here in Peterborough for the first time. Mom and I are going and hubby is spending the day at home and watching the "games" on the tube.

I have completed the binding on a donation quilt. It one of the quilt that our guild makes  " Helping Hands", They make them to give to a number of groups. I also need to get a wiggle on making a few pillowcases to donate to a new local Women's shelter. This is something our evening guild wants to do and make a donation in the fall of all of the pillowcases that we have make over the summer.

I have also been doing some crocheting lately and I will have some picture of those for you next time.