
Sunday, June 27, 2010

They Say It's Your Birthday!!!

Yes, yesterday was my birthday. I am officially a senior, 55. Although my Mom says I am not a senior until I start to collect old age pension so on that basis I guess I have a another 10 years to go. As of tomorrow I will be officially retired from work. I have been using up banked vacation for some time now because I had to wait until my birthday, well now that I am 55 I can retire.

My birthday was a lovely quiet day. It was miserable weather, damp rainy and muggy all day. So we went to the farmers market in the morning and got a few fresh things and then came home and had a lazy afternoon reading and dozing.  In the afternoon I received a lovely bouquet of flowers and gift from my dear friend Kelly. Hubby bought me a new laptop and my mother got me a bunch of new tops, towels and a few other little trinkets. I am really am so lucky and spoiled.

Mom took Hubby and I out for dinner because she said I should not have to cook on my birthday. We went to a very nice restaurant and had a real feast. Mom and I shared baked brie with toasted almonds served with fresh fruit and baguette. I had Chicken Alfredo with fresh spring veggies, and for desert New York Cheesecake with Pecans and warm Caramel Jack Daniels sauce. It was all luscious.  

I think I have told you about our dog Shadow and how she likes to rest her head on anything well here is her latest pose, "I am resting my head on the foot stool" photo. I know I am her mother but isn't she adorable.

Kelly was down to visit me a couple of weeks ago and we had a great time.She brought 2 Elly Sienkiewicz DVD and we watched both of them while we stitched.

I am still working on getting the house sorted and somehow I cam barely bring myself to sew anything lately but I have loads of idea's. I am reading the new Jennifer Chiaverini book, The Aloha Quilt. So far not bad.

1 comment:

  1. Being retired is great, the biggest decision you have to make is "what do to today?" By the time we get to retirement we have earned it, so make the most of it. Slightly late birthday wishes!
