
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Finally at Long Last

With the exception of my sewing room/ office my home is mostly complete and I have some photos for you. All except for the outside of the house and Hubby's Sports Den. I guess because it is not my room I didn't think to take any pictures. Next time I'll get those pictures.

The original house had four bedrooms. We knocked down the wall of  the forth bedroom and turn it into a dining room which overlooks the kitchen. Boy does it sure open up the house.

Dining Room

Living Room from Upstairs Hall

Sewing/Office Mess

Our Wedding Photo in the Dining Room

Shadow hanging out in the hall
Master Bedroom
Living Room Oversize fireplace I could not talk Hubby out of
Living Room my chair
Hubby's Chair Living room
Spare Bedroom
Living Room
Kitchen directly below the Dining Room
Looking down on the Kitchen from Dining Room
Dining Room
View from Kitchen, Dining and Spare Bedroom

1 comment:

  1. OOOOOOOOOOh! I love your photos. It was worth the wait. I'm looking at your header and am glad you still have that fabulous quilt on the side though! I never fail to love it.
    Your house is looking so comfy and yes, knocking down walls makes huge differences to old homes.
