
Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Move is Over

My post here will be short and sweet. The move is over and it went well but now comes the fun part of the putting away and finding places for all of those things that I didn't have room for in a larger house. I now have less room for in my new place. In the move my Camera went MIA, no doubt lurking in a box. 

McWilliams are the worlds best Movers, I highly recommend them. Perhaps

I will have my boxes unpacked, find the camera, hook up my computer (I am using Mom's) by next week and my next post.


  1. We will have to find a mover soon too - our house goes up for sale very soon, we sign the papers next week.

  2. You know when we "downsized" four years ago and I got rid of so much stuff, when we arrived at this house and I started unpacking, I was amazed at how much more stuff I got rid of.
    I'm now minamalistic and loving it....except for fabrics.
    Ah Jennifer who posted before me is going to discover more wombats lurking in little places of her house...
    I'm in the middle of a paint mess. The whole house and my sweetie is in charge...I'm sewing.
