
Monday, February 15, 2010

Up to my Nose in Boxes

I has been a busy few week and yes I did find my Camera.

In this first shot, my sewing has not been unpacked. In the second picture it has! Notice the subtle difference. Yes I see it is still a mess but I need everything out of the boxes so that I can see what needs to go where.

I only have one bit of advise to give on moving give away or sell everything you possibly can let go of beofre you move and once you have it all pared down, give away another 50% because you still have too much.

You can see that I have my priorities straight I have the TV hooked in my room so I can watch Olympics while I unpack.

Hubby took Mom and I out for Valentines day dinner at a lovely steak house. It is Hobarts in Peterborough,  Mom and I shared the Sweetheart special.

You shared an appetizer (bacon wrapped scallops) and a desert (Baileys Creme Brulee) and we each had an entree mine was steak and Lobster tail and Mom has steak and shrimp. Then we shared our lobster and shrimp. It also came with a lovely salad and oddles of veggies, mushrooms and a twice baked potato.

The meal was luscious and after each of us was presented with a rose. What a delightful evening.

Then we came home to watch Canada win there first Gold Medal of the Olympic games.

I'll be back when I can see the bottom of another couple of boxes.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

The Move is Over

My post here will be short and sweet. The move is over and it went well but now comes the fun part of the putting away and finding places for all of those things that I didn't have room for in a larger house. I now have less room for in my new place. In the move my Camera went MIA, no doubt lurking in a box. 

McWilliams are the worlds best Movers, I highly recommend them. Perhaps

I will have my boxes unpacked, find the camera, hook up my computer (I am using Mom's) by next week and my next post.