
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Painting and Cleaning

I have a pic of my next door neighbour's son. He is 17 and is a handsome very very tall young man whom has helped me a great deal in the last couple of weeks. As we preparing the house for sale. He has been doing some painting for us. First both our front porch and then the back deck. Now he is painting our laundry room. What a great kid !

  I have lots of progress on my Mom's Birthday quilt but of course I can't show you any pictures because my mother is very computer savey and will see it. That fact that she is getting I am sure is no surprise to her.
I'm afraid that my blogging my be somewhat sporadic as we go through this selling and building process. Please bare with me.


  1. Can you send that very helpful young bloke over to us....we could use him to paint our house before we sell!

  2. it is always a prize to have a kid in the neighbourhood who really wants to help! Appreciate your comments on Miss Snips, but it appears through a small error Miss Snips will appear in the winter issue, so that is the Last Column, but do come visit me at Susan Being Snippy, too!
