
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another WISP- My Scrap Lattice Quilt as you Go

I have had this WISP in my sewing room since 2000. Yes you read correctly 2000.

I took a class from a fellow guild member Louise Robinson. Louise was particularly known for teaching this class many times, by popular request. Sadly Louise lost a battle with cancer and passed away a few years ago far too young.

This Quilt has always been a favorite but some reason I have found it tedious. Periodically I would lay it out sew a few squares together and then put it away again.  My problem is (was) that  I have no place to keep it out and in sequence while I sew it together. Now I have decided that I am going to keep it out on the dining room table until it is finished.

It is a very very easy quilt to make. However if I ever did another one, I would make the blocks much larger. The squares are 4 inches finished, which makes for a lot of sewing together later.
As the name implies it is quilt as you go and also reversible. The first side it scrappy (supposed to be lights and darks, mine do not have nearly enough contrast) and I made the back light and dark sort of Christmasy so I would have something I could just turn over at Christmas. The lattice strips are two different colours; one for the front and one for the back. The binding is a two colour binding so that each side matches. I thought I would show you some of the blocks and the progress I have made so far. I am going to commit here and now that I will have this completed by the end of June, at the latest.
This the right side using scraps and dark green lattice work.
This is the back using a deep rusty red for the lattice and two colours of Christmassy fabric.

This is how the squares are joined sewing the lattice down to one side side of the square, then zig zagging the two squares together and then turning over the lattice like the one on left and hand sewing the strips into place.

Wish me luck.


  1. I am sure you will happy to use it when it is done so you might as well bite the bullet & finish it!
    Good Luck!

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Believe it or not I have just found this quilt in a box & have decided to finish it. I am half way through, have all the squares cut. It has taken me 2 days to figure out how it goes together. So Quiltgal if you can do it so can I.

  3. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Hi Debra,
    I, too, took Louise's Scrap Lattice Quilt class & have forgotten how to sew blocks together.
    I didn't know Louise had died & feel very sad about that. I took classes with her in Toronto & also her home in Alliston.
