
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Another WISP- My Scrap Lattice Quilt as you Go

I have had this WISP in my sewing room since 2000. Yes you read correctly 2000.

I took a class from a fellow guild member Louise Robinson. Louise was particularly known for teaching this class many times, by popular request. Sadly Louise lost a battle with cancer and passed away a few years ago far too young.

This Quilt has always been a favorite but some reason I have found it tedious. Periodically I would lay it out sew a few squares together and then put it away again.  My problem is (was) that  I have no place to keep it out and in sequence while I sew it together. Now I have decided that I am going to keep it out on the dining room table until it is finished.

It is a very very easy quilt to make. However if I ever did another one, I would make the blocks much larger. The squares are 4 inches finished, which makes for a lot of sewing together later.
As the name implies it is quilt as you go and also reversible. The first side it scrappy (supposed to be lights and darks, mine do not have nearly enough contrast) and I made the back light and dark sort of Christmasy so I would have something I could just turn over at Christmas. The lattice strips are two different colours; one for the front and one for the back. The binding is a two colour binding so that each side matches. I thought I would show you some of the blocks and the progress I have made so far. I am going to commit here and now that I will have this completed by the end of June, at the latest.
This the right side using scraps and dark green lattice work.
This is the back using a deep rusty red for the lattice and two colours of Christmassy fabric.

This is how the squares are joined sewing the lattice down to one side side of the square, then zig zagging the two squares together and then turning over the lattice like the one on left and hand sewing the strips into place.

Wish me luck.

Friday, April 24, 2009

A Fine Spring Day - Friday Flashback

It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in Southern Ontario.

When I was very young this was my favorite song for the summer and whenever the sun is shining in the early spring or summer and I am in the car, I find myself singing it acapella.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mom Makes the Local Paper

Sorry I have not been blogging for a bit, but I have been preoccupied. Just before Easter Mom had a teeny weeny fender bender. Not to worry she is fine and the only thing that is wounded was her pride and a small ding in the "Red Jewel", that is what Mom calls her new Buick.

The Jewel has now been repair and is home safe and sound.
Mom was a little overwhelmed by the incident and didn't want to drive up to my place for Easter. I didn't want her to be alone so I drove down to pick her up and bring her home. We had a great Easter.

Mom is quite involved in the Friends of the Library twice annually they have a book sale ( from books donated by the public) to raise fund for the Local Library. The Peterborough Examiner sent someone to take a publicity photo for there paper. This is the third time that Mom has been the centre of that photo. Here's the picture from the paper. (see the picture)

Last time I told you I would have some pictures of some great embroidery floss. I enjoy doing some stitching from time to time and I've found this beautiful, relatively new floss by DMC called variations. It is different from varigated as the colour changes within every few stitches. I ordered the entire pallette. Aren't they yummy. Then I found that I had a small clear bag given out once with by clinique with the free bonus that will do nicely so I can keep those colours seperate from my varigates and regular floss.
Here is a picture of the varigated threads. Of course I had to buy those too!

Well I am off now to one of my many doctors appointments, have a great day. Happy stitching.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Spring is Here?

Can you believe it? In the last week we must have had at least 5 inches of snow.
This was picture outside on Monday morning. it was the wet heavy kind that feels like cement.

It kept snowing all day Tuesday and I had to drive into Toronto (75Km) to a Doctors appointment. It finally stopped and Wednesday it was a beautiful Sunny day. Here is a picture this morning.

Although not gone, quite a bit melted yesterday. I have been going to YMCA just down the road were they have opened a new facility. So far it has just been some rehab stretching program in the pool, but it is great.

I am going home to Peterborough this morning to pick up Mom so she can spend Easter with us. So I best get a wiggle on.

I wish every one a Happy Easter! Keep Stitching too!

I found a couple of great Ebayers and picked up some beautiful floss so I will show you that next time.

Saturday, April 04, 2009


Yesterday it rained all day and just after supper the wind started. It roared all night long rattling windows and unsettling the dog. She sleep in our room on the floor in her own bed. However she was wandering around our room all night long. So how is this for Spring........................

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


Good Morning folks, hop on over to Green Fairy Quilts

and see what Judy is giving away.