
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Photo Quilt from the Past

As I have nothing new to share with you right now. I would like to show you one of the quilts that I made for my parents 50th anniversary. My Inspiration was a book by Ami Sims on Photo Transfer Quilts.

Once you get started you will be come hooked on sorting through old pictures. So if you want to organize your photo collection, now is a great time to make this quilt. It can have as many or as few pictures as you want on it. First I sorted through all of the photos that I was going to use and transferred them onto fabric. I decided my colour scheme would be Golds to go with the 50th and Black to make it pop. I collected all sorts of buttons and did some cross stitch to represent the things that my parents loved to do. I put their wedding picture in the middle of the quilt with Satin Ribbon Roses above and below there picture. I then put pictures of Mom and Dad's families above there picture and all of the family and friends below the picture. The black border was covered with a vine, leaves and gold yo-yo flowers. (the edge was not scalloped but  I used scalloped scissors on the photo I took before putting it in my Quilt Journal Album - Prior to Digital Camera) Next time I am home to visit, I will get better pictures.

PS Hubby's Toe is on the mend.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, you do good work! But this is a labour of love for sure. I have just done a facebook album for my family to see black and white photos and they love it. I am sure it is surely cherished/
