
Monday, January 19, 2009

.......and yet More Snow

It has been snowing here non stop for 2 days. Fortunately we have a snowblower for the driveway. This is the view out of my kitchen door, very early this morning. Looks like there is another couple of inches for me to shovel.
I am preparing binding for Darling Hubby's quilt so that I can have hand work ready for the inauguration tomorrow. I want to see history in the making.  
Ahhhhhhh for Summer!


  1. Deb, you asked about my design wall. I bought the 72x72 inch one at a quilt show a few years ago. I don't have the space to leave it up but right now it's in my hall blocking my guest bathroom....I'll have to take it down when my sons come to visit but I like it fine.

  2. snow for two days! wow, I don't know how I would handle a winter like that anymore. I'm to use to the mild winters we have in Arkansas now that I have lived here for 28 going on 29 years. I did grow up in the north though and spent the first 27 years of my live in northern states - MN, WI,IL, CT, & ID
