
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Santa's Only 2 Days Away

It is so wonderful to have my Mom here for Christmas. I picked her up last week just before a big snow storm, the first of 4 we are to have before Christmas. I have so many UFO's that I thought I would have done for Christmas that are not. Both Mom and my Hubby are going to receive partially finished gifts with Promises for the new year.

Here's Mom and Shadow,  Mom is playing games on the computer. It is so wonderful to have her here.


Monday, December 15, 2008

Deck the Halls meme

Seen on Anecdotally Yours.

Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot chocolate.

Does Santa wrap presents or set them under the tree? Sets them under the tree

Colored lights on tree or white? White lights look beautiful but I think I prefer coloured.

When do you put your decorations up? Usually December 1st

What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)? Roast Turkey with all the Trimmings

Favorite Holiday memory as a child: One year near Christmas my family and another one went to my Grandads lot and we skated on the pond, Drank hot chocolate from a thermos and then Dad cut down our Christmas tree. It was a lovely Day.

When and how did you learn the truth about Santa? I remember it was the Christmas I was 10, I likely found out from the other kids at school

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? That was a childhood ritual,  They were usually PJ's  but we don't do it now. 

How do you decorate your Christmas tree? First put on the lights, including the angel,  then the garlands, then the ornaments and finally the icicles. 

Snow! Love it or Dread it? As we Live in Snow Country We have no choice but I would be happy if it left any time after New Years.

Can you ice skate? Not any more and I never was very good.

Do you remember your favorite gift? There have been so many nice ones it is hard to choose just one. but I think if I had to it would be a Doll House I got when I was 4 or 5. 

What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? Being with family and know that we have done what we can to make another Christmas a little better.

What is your favorite Holiday Dessert?  My Mom makes a mean shortbread cookie, followed by her trifle

What is your favorite tradition? Every Christmas morning for the last 30 years  we have had a Ham and Cheese Egg Strata  (known as the Christmas Morning Housewife Saver).  It is made the night before and you put it in the oven as you  begine to open the presents and it is baked and ready about an hour later. That with fresh fruit and lovely coffee has become a tradition.

Which do you prefer, Giving or Receiving? I love to giving,  I love to see what everone thinks of the gifts I have made and purchased for them.

What is your favorite Christmas Song? The Christmas Song

Candy Canes! Yuck or Yum? I love them.

Ever recycled a Christmas present? I hate to say it but yes.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Thanks So Much and Christmas Past

Thanks so much for all of your best wishes, comments, and internet links.

The Quilt in my header was one that my kindred group "Friends in Stitches" made and donated to "The Quilt". Our group is so proud of it. It was chosen as one of the quilts that they used in there print advertising, (in the Creative Needlework Catelogue) and eventually sold at there auction for $850.oo We adapted a pattern from Quilters Newsletter and actually made it as a Quilt as you Go pattern. We all donated our Batiks and worked together on it.

As for Shadow's Quilts, I made four Crazy Quilt Squares, around photo's of her from my collection of Black and White fabric (many of them Dog themed) I then used my sewing machine to cover all of the seams with fancy stitches; then sashed and bordered it with the black white and red. Sometimes I think it is a little over the top. It is on the top of my list to quilt it for the New Year so that it can hang with the quilt I have of our last furry friend.

I have several small projects in the works. None that I can photograph and post as they are Christmas presents.

Christmas Past

I found this picture the other day on the Internet of a medical trolley and supplies. It is identical to one I received for Christmas when I was about 5yrs. I clearly remember my grandfather allowing me to remove his appendix with my new instruments.

Here is a photo of the trolley and my brother and I Christmas 1960, yes that makes me 53.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Back Again

Hi, I have been away for a very long. I have been ill but feel that now I have turned a corner and would like to use my Blog as a sort of therapy.
Among other things that I won't bore you with, I have both Carpel Tunnel in both hands, (most of the times very difficult to keyboard) and a condition called Idiopathic Peripheral Neuropathy in my feet. It is a nerve damage which causes numbness, pain, pins and needles a feeling of being very cold in my feet. It is a condition which worsens through the night which means that I sleep very little at night and I am a Zombie during the day. I am on some medication to help with the pain, however it does not seem to help allot.
I been working on a new quilt featuring our dog Shadow, I really need to get it completed, here are some pictures of the quilt. I have another couple of small projects on the go for Christmas.
I hope to have them finished in time and maybe photos for you after the new year.
My intention is to Blog once a week, and I sure love feedback to please leave me a comment .

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Friends in Stitch

Tonight my kindred group are getting together for a Christmas (a little late) pot luck and social. Our group has 7 members but one of our group moved to England and we try to get together once or twice a year when she comes home.

We call our group, 'friends in stitches" as I think I have mentioned we work on Charity quilts when we get together it is usually an excuse to stitch and bitch and get out of the house. Today I am making a black bean salad as my contribution to the meal.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Happy New Year

Had a great day with friends yesterday. My Kindred Group "friends in stitches". We meed at least once per month and sew or talk and share what we are working on and also usually have a group project on the go that we are working on together.

Yesterday we met for our Christmas pot luck lunch. Everyone brought something and as usual we had way to much food and it was all delicous. WE exchanged Christmas present. I made scissor keepers and fobs for everyone.

I received some lovely gifts from my friends. It such a blessing to had such wonderful friends.