
Sunday, August 26, 2007

Another Great Day!

My friend Kelly and I spent Friday together. As usual our idea was to sew. However we began by planning our next trip to Quilt Canada 2008 in Newfoundland. This involved reading every class they were offering and narrowing down the list we might be interesting in taking. Then going on- line to look at flights to Newfoundland and there cost. By the time that was complete, it was time for lunch.
I made us a nice lunch of homemade chili, Crusty rolls and for dessert fresh peaches and ice cream.

We did spend some time working on a project. Kelly and I have both been making Baltimore Album quilt blocks. I say that because heaven knows, if they will ever turn into a quilt. We both thought it would be a great idea to make a block holder, so we set out to make a pattern in one of Ellie Sienkiewicz last book, Baltimore Elegance.
Kelly also spent some time showing me how to use EQ to design quilts. Oh great more time on the computer and less on actual sewing. (I just heard Mark Lipinski on a podcast talking about buying fabric as buying the dream of making a quilt, where you do or not) I guess I belong to that camp.

I can only who you a picture of the fabric I selected because frankly we did not get far enough to show you much else. We plan to complete the block holder next time we get together.


  1. Your fabric is pretty, very busy.
    I too have spent the weekend browsing instead of sewing, nevermind, we each go at our own pace.

  2. What lucky gals you two are ... going to QC2008 in Nfld. That thought has crossed my mind a few times as that is one province I've yet to visit and it will be so much fun.

  3. Thanks for coming by my blog! So I came to visit you too...

    I posted on this entry because I sure would like to see the 'block holder' that u are making or have you got it done now?

    Nfld. is a dream of mine to visit, though I think it will be years yet before I get there unless some long lost uncle dies and leaves me money to blow!
