
Sunday, April 22, 2007

I'm Back

Thanks so much to Debra who got the Quilt Studio Webring on to my page.

My mom, hubby and I went to Ottawa over Easter to see a Senators game and visit a cousin. We had a fabulous time. My cousin, who works for the Senators took us on a tour of the ScotiaBank Centre and into some of the boxes. He took out for a fabulous dinner and we had seats in the fitfh row, for the Senators vs. Pittsburgh game. The next day we went downtown to see some of the fabulous museums and the parliment buildings. Here is Mom, Hubby and I.

On the last morning of our long weekend get away we met my cousin and his family for breakfast. We brought all of them some small gifts. As it was Easter I made my cousins wife a funky chicken pincushion. As it turned out she love chickens and has her kitchen decorated in that theme. I was pleased because I really do not know her well and was struggling for something to take her .

I used a couple of log cabin squares leftover from another project, some felt for the comb and beads for the eyes.

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