
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Snowing and Sewing

We have had a great deal of snow here in the last couple of weeks. It seems as though it has snowed almost every day. A good time for sewing .

I have been inspired by the posts of some of my friends and begun pulling out some UFO's to work on. In that vein I have two projects on the top of my list to get a start on.
The first is a quilt pattern called Twisted Log Cabin and Wacky Stars by Pix Martin, I'll post 4 of the 24 squares that I have made.

The other is a reversible String quilt that I have had sitting a bag (all the squares made) since I started it in 2000.

I am going to spend this afternoon cutting out the sashing and stars for the Twisted log cabin.

As this is my first post of the New Year, (I am just learning how to Blog) I thought I would list some of my UFO's for reference throughout the year.

1. Twisted Log Cabin and Wacky Stars
2. Reversible String Quilt (Scrap Lattice)
3. Redwork- Sunbonnet Sue
4. Felt sewing purse
5. Embroidered Flowers
6. Baltimore Album
7. Tinners Quilt
8. Past President Executive Quilt
9. Hearts and Flowers - Renske Helmuth Pattern
10.Beaded Pear
11.Squares Won at Geneva Park Quilting Retreat 2003
12. Cuddle Quilt for our hospital Preemie Program
13.Victorian Bouquet- Renske Helmuth- Renske Helmuth
14. etc. etc. etc.

So stay with me this year as I work through some of my UFO's.

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