
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Crazy quilt block

I have been working on my crazy quilt block for the class that I am taking. It is fun but must admit I don't think I have the talent of some of the other in my class.

Since I showed you my first block, I redid the whole block with different colours. The first one was shades of beige and I decided to do white and shades of grey. We ave now moving on to the silk ribbon portion and then later, beads and bits and bobs.

As for the volunteering. I am still waiting to complete all of the vaccinations that are required. I need to be vaccinated for chicken pox and Rubella before I can commence working at the hospital.

Sunday, August 03, 2014

More Quilt Canada Invitational 2014

Here are more of the quilts from the Invitational show at Quilt Canada. 

Friday, August 01, 2014

Rain Rain Go Away - Quilt Canada 2014 June St. Catharines

We have had cool days and lots of rain. I am not sure where our "Summer" has gone. Shadow seems to be feeling better. I love her so much, I hate to see her unwell.

I don't have much of my own work to share today so I thought I might show you a few of the quilts that I thought were really beautiful at Quilt Canada this year.  Two of my friends and I went to St. Catharines this year for the week. It was fabulous. I was not able to take any pictures of the National Juried Show as no cameras were allowed. However I was able to take photos of Invitational Show which I believe are Quilts made by most of the teachers.

Mary, Kelly and I at the Gala Dinner

Me at my class making Sheer Card Quilt Art

This Gorgeous Quilt is made by Kathy Wylie, Author of a book called Sewflakes the three picture below are close up of this work of art.

This was all hand quilted.
Yesterday today and tomorrow?

Close up

This Lady has several Quilt in the show this is a close up of another quilt with the biggest of her 3D Eagles. It was unbelieveable. 

The three picture above are of Yesterday today and tomorrow. The Eagle above was 3D and not to be believed.

The four pictures above are of the quilt A Cooperative effort. It was not to be believed. Renske Helmuth has yet again brought together a group of ladies who all worked on this quilt. It was put together as a Quilt as you go and will be sold at the Mennonite Relief Sale. Some of her work with these women have sold for literally tens of thousands of dollars.  
These are just a few of the fabulous quilts. I will show you more in the next few days.