
Sunday, October 07, 2012

I take a new Journey in my life

As I was sitting on this scooter (in March of this year) enjoying the ride, I was also in a great deal of pain and feeling shameful.  I had been away on a bus trip in which there was a lot of walking. I have arthritis in both hips and week of traipsing from store to store left me in agony. Each night in our motel room I would rub myself with liniment take painkillers and anti-inflammatory pills and rest up for the next day, all the while cursing my weight.

By the time I came home I was in such pain it took me two weeks to recover. I went immediately to the doctor and asked for a referral to an orthopaedic surgeon. My appointment was for six months down the road. I knew that the Surgeon would likely take one look at me and say you need to lose some weight before I do anything. 

I talk to my family doctor about my problem and he asked me if I had ever considered gastric bypass surgery. I immediately said no I don't want that. 
I had only know two people who had ever had the surgery and both had put most of their weight back on. The doctor told me that is not the case for most people, that the odds were very good that I would keep most of it off.  I told him I would think about it. I had him put my name on the list for the Orientation and thought I would at least listen to the information.   

In the meantime I came home and read lots and lots and lots about it on the internet and the long and short of it is that after many assessments and appointments I am having my surgery on October 19th. 

Right now I am on a completely liquid protein, low fat diet of Optifast until the surgery, so even though it is Thanksgiving here in Canada, no Turkey for me. 
I am nervous, excited and yes a little worried. This surgery is not without it's considerable risks but I think it is worth it. I have a lot of health issue that will be helped by losing weight, so I need to do this. Oh yes and the Orthopaedic Surgeon is happy with my decision and says he will be ready to replace my hip when I and my Surgeon say I am ready. Wish me luck.

Monday, October 01, 2012

My New Kitchen

On September the 10th,  hubby and I celebrated our 35th wedding anniversary. While we both would like to travel it is not a good time right now. We have darling furry girl who is 9 now and my Mom who is in her 80's but in great health. Mom does not mind looking after Shadow for a night or two but not any longer than that and we don't want to put Shadow in a boarding kennel.
I am in need of hip replacement surgery so that too kind of puts a damper on going anywhere we would have to walk.

So we have decided that instead of a trip for now we are going update our kitchen. We replaced our kitchen floor, installed a new range hood. a new granite counter top, with a new sink, tap and a glass and ceramic tile back splash. The picture I have of the old kitchen  are not great but here they are. The funny thing is that the counter we chose is called Carnivale so I said to my husband, I guess this is our Anniversary Cruise.

Old Kitchen
New counter and backsplash
Close up of Granite called Carnivale
New Granite top and  brown sink tap is brown too but had not been installed
New Floor